Best Friends Part II

**Fair warning – this is long, too long for this sub but some of you asked me to continue my first post and I had a little fun with it. If you like it YAY, if you don’t…. sorry I wasn’t your cup of tea (shoulder shrug).**


“Hey Carter”

I don’t notice the man standing in front of me at first. His short hair is now longer and pushed to the side. My body surges with adrenaline as I politely glance over his strong presence. I let my eyes wonder down his chest, to the well-defined V leading to an obvious bulge. My skin heats as I look back to his eyes, the unmistakable caramel brown that is Carter.

I can feel myself getting hot and take a deep breath, now is not the time. I’ve missed him so much. It’s been twelve years and too much has happened.

Best Friends [Lovers to Enemies]


The sun peering through the blinds is like a bolt of lightning surging through my brain. I reach over to my dark mahogany nightstand and grab the water bottle and ibuprofen Mona left for me last night. Gargoyle, my bully breed dog, shoves his abnormal looking body up from under the covers. His pudgy little grey legs stab me in the ribs as he stands on top of me to lick my face.

“Ugh, dog your breath is like a chum bucket.”

I grab my phone to text Sarah, my assistant, and notice Mona sent me a picture. My dick twitches in response to memories of railing into her last night. Fuck… she looks so much like Abigail Campbell. Abigail. Fucking. Campbell. The most stunning girl to walk the halls of Ellismoore High.

Highschool was a little rough for me. I had coke bottle think glasses and bulky metal braces with rubber bands that had that to stay on the entire four years I wore them. Up until senior year my body resembled a wet noodle. Abby though, she saw something in me.

Cliche Professor

Professor Holden, the undercover hottie. Tall, dark brown hair, piercing blue eyes that he hides behind thick black framed glasses. A sharp masculine jaw that always has the perfect amount of delectable scruff. I can’t help but admire the way his dress shirt hugs around his perfectly sculpted back. Unfortunately, Holden is a total dick. He’s rude, arrogant, and a stickler for punctuality which is probably why he can’t stand me.. I’m always late. “KATE, you’re going to be late… AGAIN”. My roommate Alexa is the sweetest little slice of Georgia Peach Pie. Coming in at just 5’4” she’s tiny but mighty. Last night we celebrated getting into grad school and I was of course roped into shots of whatever nasty alcohol the bartender was giving us. The reason I’m late. wouldn’t call myself a party girl and I also wouldn’t say I was the most beautiful flower out there, but I see the way men will look at me. Especially Professor Holden, I notice the way his eyes will trace down my tan shapely legs as I’m sitting in class. My fantasies are only fantasies, Holden would never go for me. I kiss Alexa on the cheek and grab the granola bar she left on the entry table. I run down the quad passing students lounging on the lawn, enjoying break between classes. Finally, I make it to Holden’s door and can see through the glass window he’s already begun his lecture. “Shit, he’s going to say something”. I open the door and of course the entire lecture hall falls silent. I race up the stairs to my usual seat by my best friend Samantha. Her green eyes meet my brown as she whispers “he’s going to be pissed”. I roll my eyes and face the devil incarnate himself. “Nice of you to join us Kate, please see me after class”. Holden drones on about the Endocrine System but I hear none of what he’s saying. I’m too absorbed with the way his ass perfectly fills out his fitted black slacks and the way his arms bulge, stressing his dress shirt. My pussy begins to throb thinking about his big strong hands lifting up my skirt and sliding my red lace panties to the side, slowly circling my clit with the tip of his finger as he bites my neck and tells me.. “KATE”, “KATE”, “I don’t have all day like you Kate, please meet me in my office in ten minutes”. I wake up from my day dream to find everyone gone, except Samantha, who is giving me the I know everything look. “Bye sucker” she says as she walks out the door.