Wednesday Addams and No Face (F/M)


Mark made me give college parties another chance: “Trust me: no hidden drugs this time. Any and all drugs will only be given if you ask for them and pay the right amount of money.”

“Pinky promise?”

“Pinky promise. I also pinky promise there’s going to be a shit ton of candy and you can dress as weird as you want and no one will judge you.”

It was a Halloween party. I fucking love Halloween. Aside from Mark and my love for Halloween, I had other reasons to go: a girl I was close to, Julie, was dating a guy who was part of the frat that was throwing it; other friends of mine like Carmen and Anna would be coming along; and Charlie was almost begging Mark to hang out with him and his other buddies. Plus candy. How the fuck could I say no to candy?

I went as Wednesday Addams. Wednesday Addams is a fucking legend, and Halloween was a time to be creepy. I had a black dress with a white collar, braids, black thigh-high socks and black boots. The attitude wouldn’t be much of a problem.

Sex After the First Date: A Different Perspective [M/F]

Hello, r/gonewildstories! This is my first time to even go near reddit, and will probably be my last. According to the owner of this account, a couple of you know who I am already. However, I’d like to take a moment to introduce myself:

My name is Mark. My dad was born in Hiroshima and my mom was born in Jersey. I’m 19 (20 in a month), I’m a little over six feet tall, I play soccer every other day with my buddies, and I want to be a surgeon like my mom and dad. I have five older brothers—Xander (30), Gideon (28), Stephen (27), Matthew (24) and Timothy (22); I also have one younger sister: Kiyomi (17).

If you’re wondering what I look like, I’d say I’m your average mixed race guy. Some people think I’m gorgeous and some people think I look like a hand with two thumbs on either side, but to be more specific, I’ve got Asian coloring with tanner skin, slightly rounder eyes, and bone structure that’s more angular than necessary. I workout regularly, I eat right, I don’t drink (much) or do drugs. As for the big question: 8.5 inches. (Yes, pun intended.)

What it’s like to hide from your best friend’s roommate while giving him head [M/F]

It’s 12 noon right now and I’m writing this while it’s still fresh in my memory. I have no idea what time this is going to be posted, but might as well write down what I remember.

Some of you probably know Mark by now. For those who don't, Mark's my best friend here in college. We aren't friends with benefits, but we have had some fun together a couple of times. Fucking aside, Mark's one of the nicest people I know, and one of the best people to be around. You know that BuzzFeed video of the six types of guy friends you have? He'd probably be the third one.

Anyway, onto the story: I couldn't stop thinking about sex this week. The only time I wasn't thinking about fucking someone was while I was dissecting some animals. Listening to lectures? Screw that, all I can imagine is giving head. Taking a shower? Nope, I start thinking about is an older guy grabbing my ass. Eating lunch? Nuh-uh, what's going on in my mind is having a teacher eat me out. I had no escape.

He saved [m]y li[f]e

I wasn't in the best mood last night. In fact I was sitting on the ledge of a roof with my legs dangling over and crying my eyes out while talking to some people here on Reddit about something bad I'd found out only a couple hours before. It was me, my phone, my laptop, the rooftop, and that thing a lot of us know to be depression. We've all been there at one point – don't bother denying it. You can guess what was going on with my head.

It was around 1am and I couldn't stop crying. I felt alone and I was tired and I was just so sick of being there. If I'd jumped, it would have just ended with one big splat, and everything would be okay.

Since it was a Friday night I didn't really bother texting any of my friends about what I might do. I'd been asked to come to a couple parties but declined the invitation because I was planning to spend the night relaxing with a good ol' animated movie marathon. They were probably all busy with parties and drinks. Nobody would have noticed.

[M]y [f]irst fuck in college.

I just started college recently and things have been going fine, I guess. My classes are fun, I'm making new friends, the environment is amazing, the teachers are wonderful (even though I can't sleep with them) and I should be having the time of my life.

I've actually been feeling pretty down lately for no apparent reason. One of my friends – the closest one I've made here, actually – must have noticed and invited me out for a party with some of his friends from high school who also made it to the same university. To be invited, you had to take some kind of shot in front of the people who were sending the invitations out. Mark and all his friends did it, but he ensured me I didn't have to since alcohol was never really my thing. It would have been my first college party, so I figured, why not?

He picked me up from my dorm room at around 11 that night. This guy's name is Mark. Mark's 5'10 and taking Biology, but is a year ahead of me. We met because he wanted to help out some underclassmen one time by giving them some of his hand-outs, but I overheard him talking in Japanese to his older brother about his brother getting semen all over them.

[M]y dad’s best [f]riend takes my virginity and teaches me everything I know about sex (Part 2).

NOTE: Most of the things I have here are pretty much just things I'm taking straight out of that old diary I have here – I don't remember everything I was feeling or everything I was thinking, especially since this was a little bit over a year ago. :) (I'm still laughing at myself though HAHAH I was embarrassing)

I didn't talk to Mel for three days after he took my virginity, and for multiple reasons:

1) What the fuck was I thinking? I had every right to say no and not open that door and not even respond to anything he was doing. I had every right to scream, to shout, and to fight back – but I didn't. (I'd honestly written #regret. I know, I'm embarrassing).

2) He was my dad's best friend. Holy shit, he was my dad's best friend and I'd done it with him and my dad would kill us both if he found out.

3) I didn't know if he had any STDs and if he'd given me one I would have fucking died of embarrassment.

[M]y dad’s best [f]riend takes my virginity and teaches me everything I know about sex (Part 1).

I was cleaning out my stuff the other day and found a diary I used from ages 9 to my 19th birthday. While reading it, just like everyone else, I had my fair share of laughs – god, I was an embarrassing kid. I would talk about my classmates like they were demons and boys my age like they were venom and cartoons like they were heaven-sent.

My first ever real crush was my dad's best friend, Mel. My diary (and my ten year old self) pretty much described Mel as the kindest, most attractive guy I'd ever met. As the years passed, of course, I really got to know Mel. Mel was twenty-two years older than me, was Mario Lopez cute, wrote for the local paper, and he met my dad when he was in his freshman year of university and dad was in his second year of writing his thesis for his master's degree. Don't ask me how they became friends – they just were.

[M]eeting my hospital nurse while he’s o[f]f-duty.

I may have mentioned it before in one of my stories, but I'm a pretty…well, I'm sickly. I've been immune-compromised for about as long as I can remember because of a sickness I got when I was little, and I tend to get hospitalized rather frequently. I'm in an out of the hospital. The doctors and nurses there knew me from when I was little, and they're more of a family to me than my actual family. With mom and dad always gone, I'd come to know my surgeons, nurses, aids, and orderlies as the family I never had.

One of the nurses I grew up with was named Daniel. He was around 23 or 24, only a couple years older than I was. We met when I was five. He himself was being hospitalized as a cancer patient, while I was hanging around the visitors' waiting area because my grandma was getting her own check up. He'd snuck out of his room and we'd started playing – until his nurse ended up dragging him back to his room. From then on, I would visit the hospital more often, particularly his room, especially on weekends. He was like a brother to me. He'd help me study, we'd play together; he was one of the reasons why I wanted to be a doctor in the first place. Daniel finally left the hospital, cancer-free, when he was around fifteen. Thankfully they'd given him homeschooling (or hospital-schooling?) so he wasn't too far behind in school.

[M]y physics teacher makes me [f]ucking wet – Part 2

So as some of you know, I had sex with my physics teacher towards the end of my senior year of high school. I never got to tell you much about Sir Ryan, so here goes:

He was the kind of teacher that made horrible jokes everyone would laugh at because they either a) felt bad for him, or b) thought they were so bad it was funny. Every single time you'd walk past him and smiled, he would smile back like he wasn't used to having anyone acknowledge his presence before. He was pretty darn kickass with the electric bass and could play that thing just as well as he could breathe.

The day before graduation, I was busy cleaning up my locker at the end of the day when I got a text from him. He told me to head to the lab. Hella excited, I pretty much threw all my shit inside the box I was going to bring home and pretty much ran for the lab room. I hadn't had sex with him since the first time and I couldn't really stop thinking about it.

[M]y physics teacher makes me [f]ucking wet.

I recently graduated from high school. If you're wondering about the whole 18+ thing, don't worry – I was held back a couple years because I had a health condition so I started first grade when I was around eight, so I'm around 19 now. Pretty sad when you're older than most of your classmates, but hey, at least I survived my disease, yeah?

Now, for about as long as I can remember I've been a good student. I get good grades, I help out, I volunteer, you know, the usual shit. Apparently I'm kind of okay looking too–5'5, Eurasian, glasses. My best subject was always math – and if anyone mentions something about me being good at math because I'm Asian, I swear to god I might just die.

Anyway, I found out we'd be having physics some time in summer. Of course I was really excited. It was science and math together, and it wasn't just occasional uses of math like in stoichiometry. It was real, genuine math with trigonometric functions and scientific calculators and I am so sorry but I'm nerding out.