[FMF] My threesome on MDMA with an amazing couple at a party

My MDMA enhanced threesome with an amazing couple ?

Story that accompanies the photo of me at a party (in my feed): threesome with an amazing couple!

It was one of my very first time with partners that weren’t Alex and Alicia. The couple – Dean and Julia – were friends of friends. The party was filled with people. You can see from how trashed the house is in this photo! We were all drinking this mixture of booze from a big bowl, getting really buzzed. There was a bong circulating, and I was delightfully stoned. Someone put on some trancy music and I saw Dean and Julia sitting on a couch outside by the pool. Dean was tall, lanky, and wiry. He was white and had dark hair and glasses and some serious facial scruff. Julia was Black (but with lighter, latte colored skin) with beautiful curly ringlets that sat just above her shoulders. She was petite and curvy, had a gorgeous smile, and an addictive laugh.

[FF] Social Distance Dance Turned 1-Night Stand

So, I have been extremely careful about quarantine since Covid started. Even though I am young and healthy, I have loved ones who are high risk. I am also a teacher, and have experienced so much stress the last few months of school, so I feel a strong responsibility to help flatten the curve as much as possible to avoid the spread of the virus.

I am currently single, poly, and pansexual, and my two go-to partners – Alex (M) and Alicia (F) live across the country, so we haven’t been able to see each other since Covid started, so I have been feeling very isolated and sexually frustrated for the past few months. I certainly know how to enjoy my solo time, but I think many folxs can relate to the lack of physical intimacy I have been struggling with. No amount of porn and toys can make up for being with another person…