
You and I are lying in bed on our sides. You're behind me, you gather my hair in one hand and begin kissing my shoulder and neck. You stroke my side with your fingertips. My neck and shoulders are sensitive to your touch: goosebumps trail your kisses and touch and spread across my body. My nipples harden in response. You shift your weight over me, easing me onto my back, and kiss my lips. You suck deeply on my mouth and tease my tongue, turning me on more and making my lips feel bee-stung from your passion. Our tongues are intertwined. Your hands cup and squeeze my breasts, pinch my nipples and make me gasp. You kiss, suck, and lick down my throat.

I whimper, letting you know where I want ur mouth to be and then feel ur warm breath on my breasts. I hold ur head to my breasts and run my fingers through ur hair. My hands keep traveling downward, exploring your body as you attend to my bosom. I have butterflies in my stomach and a deep yearning to be fulfilled. "Yes!" I encourage. You keep kissing me all over. Your fingers tickle down and over, in between my waiting legs.

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