28 [MF] Cougar fondled my ass at work in front of everyone and then had her way with me later that evening

So a woman about 10-15 years older than me had her way with me at work Thanksgiving 2012. And I loved it!

There are times in my life when I get really chubby ’cause I don’t have the willpower to eat properly or exercise like I should. This funk comes and goes and it’s happened maybe 5 times in my life now. When I’m in one of these chubby stretches I totally lose confidence and don’t even try to flirt or date. I just feel completely undesirable.Anyway, during a chubby spell in 2012 I working Thanksgiving Day putting on the buffet at a resort hotel. I was put on the ice cream station so I was scooping the different flavors and describing all the toppings and just making pleasant chit-chat. So this woman I’d now describe as a foxy cougar keeps coming up to my ice cream station to get a couple scoops and assorted toppings. She’s smiling a lot and asks me about all the flavors and toppings. We have some small talk. She just seems to think I’m the most interesting person in the world. But since I was in my “phase” so I thought nothing of it and treated her just like any other guest.