Hello, Long time lurker, first time caller.
(for privacy, I’ll just refer to [M]y [W]ife as “Candy”)
For about the last year or two the kids have been around the age where my wife and I can go out on dates without paying for a babysitter.
Last week I had pulled a muscle in my lower back, but by the weekend I was starting to feel better. Last Saturday night, Candy and I wanted to go soak in one of the jacuzzis and just relax, this is not our normal idea of a date but we really wanted some time in a jacuzzi without having to keep an eye on our kids. I also have suspensions that Candy was planning this whole thing, since it was her idea to go soak in the jacuzzi. And she was about to go on a long trip with some friends later this week.
Our apartment complex has 2 pools areas, it was around 9pm and we went to the lower Jacuzzi. This one was empty and only a handful of apartments had a view of this pool area, but wasn’t heating up as much as we would like. We decided to try the upper Jacuzzi, this one was heating up nicely but there was a couple people swimming in the far end of the pool. Also, there was also about 10-15 apartments that had a good view of us.