My Good Girl – A slightly poetic letter

I Know you. You’re a good girl, trying to do the right thing. Always caring, always loving, always giving of yourself.

You see the light in the dark, the good in the bad, the small things that slip past, unnoticed in their blind spot.

And I see you.

I see you struggling to release the weight of that role. To give voice to those other parts of you. The ones you don’t really like to think about. That jar; your peace of mind, and when they intrude, unprompted, how you’ll feel.

And I feel you.

You wouldn’t have told me about them. You just couldn’t. In the dead of the night, to acknowledge such thoughts, to put them into words, to speak them out loud. You can’t. But you don’t have to. Those words left unspoken, I can hear them.

And I hear you.

I could take your body, pleasure you. But I’m inside your head more importantly. I know that secret thought, and I know when you need it; and when I taste your mind, how starved I have been.

A Devilish Smile (Part 2?)

*“It’s awfully busy in the library today, even the private study rooms are packed…what a shame”* I thought to myself, the idea of us in one of those rooms together was almost too much.

*“where is she? She’s normally been studying for a couple of hours by now”*….I was aimlessly biding my time, pretending to pick out books from the shelf and then putting them back so as to not raise suspicion. I saw a book that caught my attention; the spine read ‘A Devilish Smile’.. as I removed the book from the shelf, her face appeared directly behind it-there were no books on the other side and she had played me from the start. Flinching…before realizing it was her..realizing it was you.

With a finger to your lips: *“shhhh”* you whispered before you disappeared. I was about to move, to meet you around the other side of the shelf, but before I could, I already felt it…

Your hands were massaging me on the outside of my jeans through a gap in the books below. *“Is this what she planned? Has she finally been one step ahead of me this time?!”*

Categorized as Erotica