For a friend…
They met by chance. His words spoke to her from some place from beyond. Some place they shared before they ever met.
She had stumbled upon something he had written and posted online. A dirty story, filthy smut, and his words rang true to her and she commented on it.
“I felt like I was there.” She said.
Her comment was all it took to open the door.
A rapid exchange of messages ensued. Back and forth, shared interests, kinks, likes and dislikes, they were so honest with one another. Nothing was too taboo, they shared it all. Deep dark secrets, experiences, and fantasies.
A true submissive she called him Daddy from the very beginning and he called her baby girl. A little cliché for sure, but it fit them both so well.
He had a window into her from the beginning. He had touched a nerve and what she shared with him only strengthened his understanding. He would play that to his advantage.
Their pairing in the physical sense was problematic. Separated by thousands of miles. Still they carried on an online relationship. And it built over time.