This is a college story, one of many fun memories from a girl we will call Sam. Sam and I dated for about a year. She was an absolute 10/10 and fucked like a porn star. She was a virgin when we met so she would ask me what I liked and rarely didn’t do what I asked for. She was definitely willing to please and had the sex drive to match it. As is often the case she had the crazy to back it up so it didn’t work out long term but man was it fun while it lasted.
This story occurs in the early fall in the south. Beautiful weather and the university we attended had a beautiful campus to walk around. We were actually broken up at this time but weren’t seeing other people and continued to hook up fairly regularly. My roommates had vowed to beat the shit out of me if we got back together because she was “toxic” and “no good for me”. I argued that when my cock was in one of her perfect holes she was very very good for me, that argument didn’t get me anywhere. We met up on campus to hang out and to intentionally avoid my roommates.