Ruin Me pt.2 (MF 18+)

I can explain why I’m in my bed, wrapped in his arms, with bruises and hickies lining my neck, my ribs, and, wow, this asshole bit my leg too.

I had let him fuck my hand on that rooftop last night, let him whimper as he bit my neck just before he asked me if he could come all over my hand. He fixed me a helpless look as I licked my lips and said, “No, of course not.”

I even let him kiss me after I tucked his hard cock, weeping with precum, back into his pants. The zip wouldn’t close without a fight and without that tortured moan stuck between us. I let him grab my ass with both hands until my wet cunt was rubbing against that bulge.

“Will you calm the fuck down,” I chuckled, forcing a little strength in my voice. I couldn’t allow him the satisfaction of knowing how soft I’d gotten, how bothered I’d become. And when he buried his face between my tits with a pained apology that shot straight down my spine, I had to enact revenge by grinding my myself against him harder. He shook and I thought he messed himself up. I looked down between us and when he mumbled that he didn’t, that please, let him—*just this once*—I couldn’t help myself.

Ruin Me (MF)

When we met three years ago, the first thing I said to him was: “I will fucking ruin you.”

And I did. Three rounds of poker and I beat him and everyone on the table every single time. He thought it was funny the first time. The second time, he playfully accused me of cheating. The third, he barely said a word. He was so cute getting all upset.

“Chill, it’s not that serious,” I chuckle at him as I take all $50 of my winnings, $40 of it his. At that point I knew I was being mean. I’m a bitch, what do you want me to say? I saw him and decided, yep. That one. I’m picking on that one.

Not that he was a helpless little nerd. He’s actually not bad looking, if we’re being objective, and he can hold his own with all the ribbing. Not my type though, but I can understand how he’s almost never single. Never alone at least.

Yes, Sir pt. 3 (MF)

For the longest time, I wanted someone to just return my shy glances and flash me a smile. That would’ve been enough. And for a while, I wanted that someone to be him. I first saw him the night a friend went off with a guy at the bar, taking his wingman with them. I decided to finish my wine alone and head home early. Then he walked in.

I didn’t see him until he bumped into me. He had been with a large group, crowding the small bar, and he accidentally brushed against me. I barely noticed it but then he turned to me and touched my arm in apology.

He had his hood up, his face partially hidden under his baseball cap. The smell of nicotine clung to him and his touch lingered just a bit too long. When I looked up to meet his eyes, he stared me down in the way that a gathering storm makes you feel small and insignificant. The moment stopped and I swear so did my lungs. I wish I could say he undressed me with that gaze, stared into my soul and uncovered all my secrets.

Yes, Sir pt. 2 (MF)

John, if anything, is a gentleman.

When we make it back to our spot on the bar, he pulls out a chair for me and asks me what I’d like to drink. My throat is dry but I don’t want a drink. I’d rather have something else in my mouth but I don’t tell him that. Something about the way the corner of his lips curls tells me he knows, so he orders a drink for himself and a glass of water for me.

His arm is draped over my backrest again and his finger sometimes grazes my back. I want to think it’s intentional and I have to force myself to stay still. But he keeps to his drink and scans the room, so it’s likely just an accident. I have to sit still anyway, I have to cross my legs to keep his cum from leaking out. But it does anyway and I do my best not to be obvious when I shift in my seat. But that just reminds me how sensitive I still am down there.

“Something the matter?”

Yes, Sir (MF)

I can’t say he isn’t attractive. He is. So much that I could look at him straight. But he looked mean, cold in that black hoodie, nursing his drink at the other end of the bar. I use my drink as an excuse to sneak a peek. A beautiful woman just took the seat next to him, made even more beautiful under the warm lights. She touches his arm and smiles, her breast almost pressed against him. I curve into myself, I wish I had that confidence. Those curves.

But the guy in the hoodie just sips his drink and says something to her. When he turns to her, I realize his neck is all inked and he has a lot of piercings. I can’t hear him, but from how rugged he looks, I imagine his voice is deep. Guttural. My toes curl in my sneakers. Then he turns back to his drink. She responds by picking up her drink and her purse and returning to her friend at a table.

Then he lifts his gaze and meets my eye. Shit. I was staring. The eye contact sends a bolt down my hips and I look away with a big gulp of my wine.