[M]y working vacation with a [F]riend

Note, this recollection will be much shorter than others. I recommend reading the background story (3 parts) here


It had been several weeks since our conference encounters and nothing had happened sexually since. We flirted a bit, but that was the extent of our non-work interactions. Hette and I had to go to Germany for work. Nothing special just a quick presentation to a client that was better done in person and a separate client visit simply because we were already going to be in country. Hette had not been to Germany and was genuinely excited about the trip. In making arrangements, I suggested we go a day early and stay and additional day to fit in a bit of tourism. Hette thought it was a great idea.


[M]y con[F]erence experience with a colleague (Part 3)

This is the third and final part to a three part encounter. I recommend reading Part 1 and Part 2 before continuing.


[DAY 4]

I awoke abruptly thinking I was late for my nine o'clock flight. I had assumed my late night caused me to oversleep. I look toward the window and see no light coming from under the curtains. Finding my phone, I saw it was just after four thirty. I had been asleep for maybe two or two and a half hours tops. Guessing I would wake alone, I am surprised to see Hette and Li still asleep. I wonder if Li would enjoy waking to a 'final show'. Going for the gold, I decide to lift Hette's top and start massaging and kissing her breast. Hette stirs but it's Li who wakes first and smiles at me. She watches for a few moments then boldly lifts her top and began mirroring my actions as best she can with her fingers. This is the first time I've seen Li's breast, which fit her frame perfectly. Noticing Li's reactions to her own touch, I leveraged her mirroring to my advantage. I started massaging, kneading, and kissing Hette's breast in ways I could tell Li enjoyed as she mirrored my actions.

[M]y con[F]erence experience with a colleague (Part 2)

Note this is the second part of my experience. I recommend reading the first part here before continuing.


[DAY 3]


That morning, we woke up a bit early. Hette and I took a shower (separate) and I escorted her to her hotel room for a change of cloths and her makeup. I Then went to the conference. I received several texts from Hette during the day. Nothing sexual, but I was definitely noticing the increase. She texted just before lunch, stated Li would be joining us, and wanted to try a newer restaurant about a ten minute walk from the hotel.


We had a casual lunch and everything was going well until Li asked what was up. Hette and I questioned why, but Li only stated we were acting a bit different. Great. If someone we had known for only three days could see a change in behavior after a few minutes, our group would hone in seconds. After playfully bantering back and forth with Li for a few minutes, Hette finally just told her. I was surprised that Hette was so open, but figured we would never see Li again so who cares.

[M]y con[F]erence experience with a colleague.

About a year back, I attended a well-known conference (8,000-9,000 attendees) with several of my colleagues. The conference was held in a prominent hotel where most go for vacation.


My colleagues and I get along quite well; however, we mainly socialize at work and work functions with little non-work related interactions making the following interactions much more surprising.


There aren't a lot of female in my career field and especially attractive females are much more rare. One of my colleagues (referred to as Hette) is just that: very smart, extremely personable, and incredibly attractive (approximately 66 inches tall, blonde-brown mix hair, deep blue eyes, and great figure). Hette is slightly younger than I and had little work and travel experience when assigned to my area. She was initially assigned to several of my projects so I could begin to introduce and integrate her into our custom processes. Subsequently, we've traveled together quite a bit, but have limited interaction to work matters until this trip.


[DAY 0]