Sex drugs and electronic music. [MF] [Cheating] [Drugs]

The last few months has been really hectic, I changed jobs and haven’t had a proprer holiday in over 3 years. After a particularly challenging project I knew it was time for me to take a few days of rest and do something adventurous.

And what could be better than meeting your lover in a remote forest cabin for a week-end of drug-fuelled adulterous sex?

First things first, I had to make excuses to my wife to go off and “find myself” for just less than a week. Lucky for me, my lover Lexi, is a habitual organiser and less than 10 minutes after mentioning a meet up in a deserted forest somewhere, she shot back with details on a place and flights which would have me there in no time at all.

She was already at the cabin when I arrived. Dressed in a tight top and a lacy French-cut slipje. She looked better than wonderful, especially since I had treated her pretty badly during my project. I was stressed and we managed to miss-communicate even the slightest things which led to a pretty strained affair. This weekend was supposed to get us back on track again and few things open your mind like a chemical adventure.