Home visit [m/f]

He knocked on the door, hearing light feet scramble behind it. Then it opened. She peeped around it with her big green eyes, carefully hiding herself behind the frame. He looked at her with curiosity, she nodded for him to get inside.

He walked in, she closed the door. Turning to face her, he found her stark naked, pale white skin, messy blonde hair, her legs pressed together and an arm across the chest for modesty’s sake. He looked up to her eyes, finding a mischievous look there.

“Wow…” he said, not knowing exactly how to express how awesome he found this. He put the flowers he’d been hiding behind his back on the table nearby and went towards her.

She pounced into his arms, hesitating; craving the contact with his body, but not wanting to put her delicate naked skin against his clothes. She kissed him lightly, biting his lower lip, smiling as she pulled it down and looked into his eyes still with that look. Then she took his hands and led him to her bedroom.