Little Red Riding Hood Pt. 4 [MF]

I don’t know which one of us is gasping for breath more in that moment, but I stare as you stand up in the lake, the water flowing down from your porcelain skin as it loses its battle with gravity, your nipples have hardened to show just how cold the water is. They have firmed so nicely, that I could hang my collar from them, and they seem to be pointing right at me. You wipe away the water and lose strands of hair from your eyes and when they open, your staring at me with a look mixed with awareness that this predator has moved but also with bravery in that that you have entranced me with your seduction. A little bite of your lip gives way that you are enjoying this moment of seduction and voyeurism.

Little Red Riding Hood Pt. 3 [MF]

By the water’s Edge

I have thought a lot about you since that day I followed you to the cottage. I played back every moment in my mind so that I wouldn’t forget even one detail of that day. This is what I was doing at the edge of the lake that day.

It was in the heat of the day, and I was panting as the sun beat down on my coat. I found a grassy spot at the edge of a remote lake where I could find respite in the shade of an ancient oak tree. This is a spot that I could let my guard down since it was off of the beaten path. I was just about to rest my eyes for a short nap, when you appeared out of nowhere.

I could see that you were as hot as me in the baking sun, being in that cape and all. You strolled down to the water’s edge only feet away from me. How is it possible you don’t see me? I remembered my training and I laid as still as I could in the shade to not startle you. I thought about pretending to sleep, but my eyes betrayed me by staying open. But I couldn’t blame them. I badly wanted to see what you would do.

Little Red Riding Hood Pt. 2 [MF]

A stroll through the woods.

I happened upon you once again today. You were strolling through the woods with a slow determination to reach your destination. But where is it that you go on these walks? My curiosity was getting the best of me. Or maybe I was looking for an excuse to study you longer this time. I couldn’t allow you to just walk on by again. There is so much more of you to discover.

I followed you from a distance, hoping that the pounding of my heart wouldn’t give it away that I was near. You had your hair in braids today. Two tight, perfect braids. The kind of braids the naughty girls wore in school. The kind that beg to be pulled as I pound you from….. Sorry, lost myself for a moment…

I noticed with the influence of the wind that pulled at your cape, that you were wearing the tightest of white dress shirts under the constricting grasp of a corset. Your proportions were testing the buttons with every bounce of your subtle chest. This only seemed to amplify the schoolgirl fantasy that plays through my imagination on those lonely nights. I had eyed your silhouette before, but it did no justice to what I was seeing today. I can only imagine how the sands of time would be begging to exist in your perfect hourglass figure. I would gladly turn myself to fine grains, if it meant I could be inside of you for even just a moment.

Little Red Riding Hood Pt. 1 [MF] [Fiction]

Hey There Little Red Riding Hood,

You don’t know me, but I have come to know you over the last few moons or so. I know that sounds crazy and all, but please hear me out.

I remember the first time I glanced upon you in the woods. I was on my way to blow off some steam with the three pigs in town. We have this game we play where I huff and I puff, and they pretend to hide scared of me until I blow down their house like only a big bad wolf could do. They get off on it and it’s a quick release for me. But let’s get back to you.

I only noticed you briefly, but its was as though your perfect silhouette was etched into my mind with more detail than the Mona Lisa. In that instant I forgot all about those three pigs, and my full attention became obsessed with you.

I only saw you for a moment, but it felt as though time stood still. I swear that the woods became silent as you walked by. The birds stopped their chirping, the squirrels stopped their squirreling, even the wind stopped blowing through the trees. Everything froze in the moment that you walked by. In fact, I’m surprised you didn’t hear me as a moan escaped my deepest desires breaking the silence that followed you.