One Rainy Night [MF] [ Fiction]

A fire crackles in the hearth as she stands in front of it. Her clothes are dripping wet and a puddle of water grows around her feet. She watches the flames intently as she warms herself.

Her long brown hair is slicked back soaking wet. It falls to the middle of her back like a wet throw blanket. droplets run down her cheeks as the flames sparkle in her caramel colored eyes. Her full lips are blue from the cold and beginning to chap as she keeps licking them before biting on the lower lip. Goosebumps cover her bare arms as she holds out her hands to the fire to bring life back to her frozen fingers. her blouse, a light pink with floral, clings to her curves selfishly. Her lace bra shows through the thin material as her erect nipples threaten to rip through both layers. Her full length skirt that would normally flow with the wind holds on to her legs tightly adding to her chills. She kicks off her sandals. Her bare feet standing in the puddle of water.

Little Red Riding Hood Pt. 6 [MF] [Fiction]

My vision is slow to be restored as I start to come to. I feel the cold of the ground on my side as I lay sprawled upon the ground and its contrasted by the warmth of the liquid dripping down my side. I can feel it trail upon my skin as it drips into the dirt below. I’m too weak to move and cant help wonder if this is how it ends for me. As my vision is restored from the fog in my head, I start to remember what happened. How you, Little Red, were scared off by the attack by the bear.

I muster all my strength to lift my head to look for Little Red. I need to know if your safe. But as I look from side to side, I can’t see any sign of you. I guess part of me was hoping that you would have come back for me after the bear ran off. But here I am alone, cold, and bleeding. I stumble to my feet and find that they can just hold me. They shake and I want to give in but I know I must not give in.

Little Red Riding Hood Pt. 5 [MF] [Fiction]

Lesson learned:

I walk back slowly to my den. My heart is broken as I relive in my head the experience that I had by the lake. Could it have all really been a dream? For that moment, you were so real. I can still smell your scent upon my fur. I would be lying if I did not enjoy the experience, even if it was in my dreams. It just makes me wonder if I have that good of an imagination for this to not have been real. Every little detail seemed so clear.

Back home I drink away my thoughts and crash hard. I feel the need to pleasure myself to finish the tease I had experienced earlier, but my heart’s just not into it. So I bury my emotions deep down inside and let the drink take the night away.

The Next Morning

I wake up late with my head pounding. I’m more confused than I was last night. Some of the memories start to fade and I question my own sanity. I try to relive the details but it only makes me feel that much worse that maybe it all was a ruse. I kick myself all morning and wonder if its time to give up on you Little Red. But what if?

A Night Out on the Town Pt. 7[MF]

The evening starts to come to an end and the music has all but faded. We make our way outside to the waiting limo. I walk you out with an arm around your waist and my suit jacket over my shoulder. I feel like a million bucks as everyone stares as we walk out. “You sure do turn heads my love!”

Once outside we stand at the curb. Oh how the moonlight plays off your skin. I can’t help but feeling like the luckiest man on earth. The limo pulls up to the curb, and the driver opens his door for us, but I can’t help stealing a kiss before we climb in.

I watch as you gracefully step in, and I enter right after you. We share a set at the very back of the limo, the lights in the back cast colors of light over us. I hold your hand tight. As the limo pulls out I can’t help but mention, “its a shame to rent such a big limo when we only want the space next to each other.” You look at me for a moment, and I wish I could read your mind for I know something is going through that mind.

A Night Out on the Town part 6 [MF]

Your lips find my ear and you bite my earlobe before whispering in my ear. “This is your own fault you know” as you slip out of my grasp, and my cock pulls out of you. On weak knees you make your way into the stall as I stumble to find my pants on the floor.

We try hard to compose our selves and a moment later you emerge from the stall and join me by the mirror. I’m fumbling to fix my tie, so you come behind me and help to get it just right. We look each other through the mirror, both of us red in the face from the exertion.

“Do you think they will all know when we go back out there” I say with a smile. Your smile back melts my heart. I turn around in your arms and lean against the sink. I brush a loose strand of hair out of your eyes and look at you lovingly.

“I didn’t expect that to happen. I thought we would at least make it to the limo.” I kiss you on the nose before you straighten out your dress and observe yourself in the mirror. A knock on the door tells us we have been in here too long so we make our way out.

A Night Out on the Town Pt. 5 [MF]

You look at me and I can tell the wheels are spinning in your head. I can’t help but be a little nervous. You stand up abruptly and I wonder for a second if your mad at me and about to leave, but instead you grab my hand just before I can get a bite to my mouth and you pull me out of my seat.

I’m immediately embarrassed as my slacks have not settled due to my hardness, and all eyes turn on me this time. I try to hide it, but there doesn’t seem to be a good way as you are pulling me along behind you. I thought we were heading toward the exit, but instead you move to the restrooms down the hall.

You try the family bathroom just as an elderly man comes through the door. “Pardon me” you say to the man. As soon as he passes by you pull me into the bathroom and lock the door behind us. You turn to me abruptly, “fuck me.” Your eyes are stoked with fire and your agitation provokes a response.

A Night Out on the Town Pt.4 [MF]

Small talk fills our time as we wait for our meal to arrive. We talk about work and life as time passes us by. As quickly as we empty our Champaign glass, its topped off by a tentative waiting staff. I can’t help but feel how lucky a man I am to have a woman like you.

As we talk, you drop one of your heels off under the table and you begin to gently rub your foot against my leg. I raise an eyebrow at you which is received by a wink and a smile. The waiter returns to our table with our dinner, and your foot travels all the way up my leg.

The waiter asks me a question, but my words fail to come out, as your foot finds my cock through my slacks. “We are good, thank you” is your reply. The smile on your face says that two can play at this game.

Your foot, resting between my legs continues to rub gently at my slacks, and I become hard in response. I try to work my fork and now I’m wishing I would have ordered something easier to eat. For every time I get a fork full, you rub me just right and I lose my bite. You are leaned back in your chair looking proud of yourself.

A Night Out on the Town Pt. 3 [MF]

You look at me from across the table and your eyes are asking me a lot of questions. I can’t help but smile as I stare back at you giving no answers.

You definitely dolled up for the occasion. Your eyes sparkle as your long eyelashes bat at me, your cheeks full of color (whether from the toy or makeup I don’t dare ask), your lips as red as the dress, pouty and full. I can’t help but bite my lip as you bring your lips to the champagne flute and take a sip. A kiss mark left on the ring of the glass. The length of your neck is extenuated bye the velvety dress that loops around the back. I can’t help but stir in my seat.

A Night Out on the Town Pt. 2 [MF] [Fiction]

A night out on the town Pt. 2 [MF]

The limo is rather spacious for just you, and a bit lonely as you make your way to somewhere unknown. The night is brisk, but not overly cold, the sun is setting in the distance. Your anticipation grows as time passes by. Your hands keep running over the velvety material of your dress. The silk of your gloves, soft on your skin, feels cold when it rubs against your bare sides exposed from the backless dress. All of these things mixed with the anticipation of the unknown has made you moist from the tease of it all.

Feeling that you are nearing your destination, you decide that you should open your clutch to receive further direction. You turn the light on overhead as the clasp gives way and you peer into your purse. Inside is a small pink object. It’s material a soft latex that is oblong in shape, about two inches long and with what looks like a tail on one end. Your not exactly sure what it is, but you have a guess as you pull out the paper that accompanies it.

A night out on the town Pt. 1 [MF] [Fiction]

A night out on the town Pt. 1 [MF] [Fiction]

A note read, “My Dearest, If you please, follow the instructions that I will lay out for you. I promise you will be greatly rewarded in the end. You will find that I have picked an attire for you to wear tonight. Make sure that you do not add or subtract any portion of this outfit. For I have put much attention into what you should wear. Further instruction will be had after you dress. Truly yours.”

You find this note posted on your front door as you arrive home from work. It finds you a bit perplexed as you were not expecting anything other than a normal night at home. You walk into your bedroom and discover that an evening gown is splayed out on your bed. The gown is of a soft red velvet, full in length, with a slit up one leg. The top is of a halter top style, which allows for the back to fall very low on the back, the type that reveals all of your back. The dress seems to be elegant and daring at the same time. To go with the dress you also find a garter belt and black sheer thigh high stockings but panties and a bra seem to be absent. A beautiful diamond bracelet sits atop a pair of black silk gloves that when put on will fall short of your elbows. All that remains is a black lace clutch, a black lace shawl, and a pair of black high heels.