Little Red Riding Hood Pt. 14 [MF] [Fiction]

I’m lost in your eyes when a knock on the door causes us to break our moment. You look over your shoulder as the front door creaks open. I watch as you hold your breathe as a mix of excitement and fear washes over your face. I watch as you quickly stand and straighten your night gown before quickly crossing the bedroom and exiting, closing the door behind you.

I sit up in bed wondering who the mystery guest could be. Probably the doctor I convince myself. I throw my legs over the edge of the bed as I prepare for the doctor to enter the room. voices start up in the other room but its not the voice of the doctor. I wish I could make out what is being said, but even these keen wolf ears cant make out the words.

I wait at the edge of the bed with anticipation that I will see you soon with your visitor. but as the moments pass by, I realize your male visitor must not be here to see me. I see my clothes freshly pressed on a chair across the room. I stand to my feet slowly as its been so long since they have held my weight. one step in front of the other gets me to the chair. I have to sit as I start to get dressed. After a few pains and grimaces, I complete the task.

Little Red Riding Hood Pt. 13 [MF] [Fiction]

The room is dark when I open my eyes. Only a faint glow exists from the remnants of a fire from the remaining coals. I have the distinct feeling of comfort and peace as I become aware of myself. The extreme pain is gone and I am left in a euphoric state. I wonder what time or even what day it is as I try to stretch my legs out.

My stirring must have been noticed as an arm moves over me and a hand presses flat against my chest. I lift my hand and run my fingers over the flesh that is touching me. There is no mistaking who’s hand it is and I am instantly comforted. I let out a deep sigh as you snuggle closer, your body presses against my side. I’m grateful that you haven’t abandoned me, for having you by my side is healing in so many ways.

One Rainy Night Pt. 3 [MF] [Fiction]

She stands between me and the fire. I can feel the outline of her upon my body as it blocks the heat from hitting my core, but it warms at my edges. The flames play at her figure. They dance upon her pale skin and cast shadows around the room. Her intentions are clear as her hand has not yet let me go. Instead, it moves slowly over the length of my cock as she holds it tight. Each stroke causing me to hold my breathe. Her other hand she placed on my shoulder as her eyes tell me a thousand things. Her head tilts slightly to the side as she looks up begging me to give in to her seduction.

Her plump lips are no longer blue but burning red, the color of temptation. Her tongue just breaks through her lips to wet them, begging me for a kiss. My body is putty in her hands and my senses want to give in to this all out assault upon my restraints. Every fiber of my being revolts against my resolve. A need to throw my arms around her and kiss those moistened lips boils up in me.

Little Red Riding hood Pt. 12 [MF] [Fiction]

I’m cold. It’s the only sensation I feel as I start to come around. I feel chills running through my body. I start to come around more and I feel the weight of blankets upon me. Thats when I recall how I got here. The pain of an opportunity still pains me but I don’t have it in me to think that right now. My body is covered in sweat so much that the sheets are soaked. I try to move but I can’t. My arms are stuck at my side as all my strength is drained. I barely have the strength to open my eyes.

When I adjust to the light in the room, I’m not disappointed at the effort it took for you sit on the edge of the bed next to me. Your eyes are on me with concern. I hate that I have caused you to worry about me. Its a look I have seen too many times in your eyes. “You’re awake” you whisper to me as you take a cloth and wipe my brow. I want to say something but its to much effort to even speak.

Little Red Roding Hood Pt. 11 [MF] [ Fiction]

I stand stunned at your words. You lean into my chest and rest your head on my shoulder. I wrap my hands around your waist and pull you in tightly against me. The contact stings at my wounds but I am oblivious to the pain as my hands sprawl across your back allowing for no space between us. I think you truly do see me as a man. I have for so long seen myself as a danger, as a predator, as a lone wolf. For so much of my existence that is what I was told. Part of me never gave in to believing I was such a thing. I felt I had a lot to give, a lot of love to share, but the more I was treated like an animal, the further those feeling were from me.

Little Red Riding Hood Pt. 10 [MF] [Fiction]

Walking slowly back to where I lay, your hips sway with every step. You slowly kneel down by my side as I close my eyes. I wait to feel your body rest against mine again. I hold my breathe in anticipation, but instead I feel your hands take hold of my paws. I open my eyes not knowing what to expect, but your eyes are confident as they encourage me to sit up. I bend at the waist as you gently help pull me. I sit back on my haunches and exhale hard as the pain rips at my side. But the pain is buffeted by the compassion your eyes show me. You smile as find my core strength to hold myself steady. Maybe I’m not as broken as I thought.

“How does that feel?” You ask me with the gentlest of voices like a sonnet whispered in the wind. The words alone seem to bring healing to my wounds. I want to respond but I’m afraid that my bark will turn you away. You might not be scared of me while I am injured and weak, but what happens when you see my bite. I’m scared to even smile in fear you will see the sharp nature of my teeth. I have no intention to shred you with my words but would you believe me if I said so? So I just tilt my head at your words instead.

Little Red Riding Hood Pt. 9 [MF] [Fiction]

My eyes slowly open as the warmth of the room begins to fade as the light of the fire fails to light up the room anymore. But I’m not cold. A distinct warmth is against my back like a body pressed up against mine. I raise my head as I become more focused but your gentle hand encourages my head to rest. That’s when I become aware that the heat I feel, the warmth that comforts me is your body pressed against mine.

A shockwave runs from my loins and through my body as I begin to understand. You hold me close to you. Your arm is wrapped around me tight as you lay up against me. Your hand plays with the fur on my chest slowly. I breathe in deeply and your arm rises with the movement of my chest. In that moment I felt no pain. It could have been to being nursed back to health by your ever attentive hands, or more likely, its that my senses are overtaken by you. So I let myself melt in your embrace.

Little Red Riding Hood Pt. 8 [MF] [Fiction]

Through my slumber, I feel you caress my fur that has been warmed by the fire. I feel the softness of your skin as your fingers play with my ears. The feeling of your touch brings mixed feelings to my senses. I’m comforted by the gentleness and care that you take as you run your fingers through my fur, but an excitement burns inside as your hands splay across my yearning flesh. Your hand runs along my neck, and across my jaw. I badly want to kiss your hand but I’m afraid you will pull away if I do. So I do not dare not move.

While still asleep, I feel your fingers trace upon my lips. My tongue fights at the barrier of my teeth as I want to taste you again. I feel you looking upon me. I wonder if you are looking upon me with love and sympathy or out of obligation and concern. Do you know the feelings I have had for you or are you just taking pity upon a big bad wolf that stopped the bear.

Little Red Riding Hood Pt. 7 [MF] [Fiction]

The light subsides and the first thing I feel is that I am no longer cold. As my thoughts become attainable again, I can’t help but wonder if this is the afterlife. I can hear the crackle of a fire and its heat has warmed my side. I must not be dead because I know heaven is not where I would end up. So does that mean I’m alive?

I listen closely to see if I can hear anything beyond that of the fire but there is nothing else to be heard. I work to open my eyes but when they are hit by the light of the fire, I close them again for going from complete darkness of death to the light of life is too much for my eyes to take in. I try again but slower.

As my eyes begin to focus, I see the fire that has warmed me. It’s in a stone hearth and it burns with hot intensity. I look around the room the best I can without lifting my head as my strength is non existent to be able to lift my head. The room looks unfamiliar. It has the décor of a woman’s touch which confirms I am not in my own den. The drapes are open and the sun spills into the room onto the hard wood floors. There are paintings on the wall of things I would see in nature.

One Rainy Night Pt. 2 [MF] [Fiction]

The warmth of the blanket is comforting as it covers me from her eyes. She turns back around to the fire as though she just lost interest in what I was doing, as if I took her fun away.

“You should get out of your wet clothes and into something dry.” I walk into the bedroom and open my drawer. “You can borrow some of my things.” I grab a one of my sweatshirts, a pair of boxers and some pajama pants before making my way back out.

When I re enter the room I first spotted the blanket piled up on the floor with a wet top and skirt laying next to it. My eyes move up from the pile and two long legs point my eyes in the direction to keep looking. They are slender yet muscular, they look as smooth as silk. They are pale and pick up the glow of the fire.

I try to shake off the feeling that grows and give her some respect but I’m fixated on her beauty. Her hips help create her perfect hourglass figure. She has soft lines that are feminine. Not too soft but not over toned either. She stands in front of me with confidence. Her shoulders back as she stands tall. She has pulled her hair forward and wrings it’s it with her hands. The water drips down her belly as it falls.