The Art of the Deal, part 6

part 5 – [](

(HEY! PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK AND GIVE IT A LIKE IF YOU ENJOY IT! Would love to hear comments about where these two should go!!!)

Stephanie was feeling almost oddly proud of herself.  She had decided before she showed up that she was going to enjoy herself this weekend.  Dan wasn’t a bad looking man, he had managed to stay in shape, and was a distinguished type of handsome, so fucking him really didn’t take too much prompting, the mental acceptance of selling herself was something else.  What really surprised her was the level that this older man seemed to know her.  And who was this ‘man’?  Well, for this weekend at least he was HER man, and she had to accept that, as it appeared that they were joined at the hip.  Well perhaps not the hip…..

The Art of the Deal, part 5

Dan’s voice was usually a bit deep, & this time a bit husky, and that was perfect.  “Pet,”  he said, and took a moment to use his tongue to ‘flick’ a nipple , “Pet, I want you to remove those panties..” and then he placed the other nipple in his mouth.

“AAH-oooohh….ka-a-ayyyy,” Stephanie reacted, “N-no-now I see why these are t-tied on-n-n….she replied.  The lingerie was actually nicely made, and were it not for the ridiculous G-string Thong Panties could be considered rather nice, but at least she now saw why they were so goofy…they weren’t meant to be worn for long.  As she untied and tossed the damn things away, she felt ‘his’ hands move to under her buttocks and lift her – it took no prompting, she knew what was next, and she wanted it inside her.  She enjoyed the look in his eyes as Stephanie felt ‘his’ hand widen her ass cheeks, holding her open, then the feel of his thick dick as the invader pressed past her labia & into her, making her wince ever so slightly as it forced her open.  Being subordinate to ‘his’ moves was strangely intoxicating and powerful, and it *really* made her juices flow.

The Art of the Deal – Part 4

It had been a long time since Dan had enjoyed many aspects of being with a woman, the general warmth of one being one he missed the most.  Although his dick was mostly flaccid, it still felt good having it snuggled just under his pet’s exceptional ass, and at the top her legs. Stretching a bit and flexing his dick to rub her, Dan said “OK pet, so I was thinking we would just order some Door Dash.  I use several here in town, although I admit to a preference for Thai takeout.”  They got up, & per their agreement Dan decided to dress Stephanie in a sexy Dark Green/Black satin bra and panties, with matching Black Garters and Hose.  It was quite a fetching outfit, and it had a matching (though a bit short) robe. Dan enjoyed the look on the delivery guy’s face as he answered the door as she was very clearly in the background. 

“So I want to know more our deal, after this weekend,”  Stephanie said.  She was clearly a bit annoyed that she had been placed so obviously in the background, & the leering grin on the kid that dropped off the food didn’t help.

The Art of the Deal – Part 2


Stephanie sat across the street from the gate, switching her gaze from the gate to her over night bag that held makeup and a few things, to the gate, to the letter showing her tuition owed was nearly $4k, which covered not only the coming semester but her portion unpaid from last semester. She had driven by this gate many times, and always wondered what was back there. Looking at her phone, she saw the time, and sighed “You cannot fail” she said out loud, then sent her text “I’m at the gate” it said. Slipping the car into gear and releasing the clutch, she pulled out, across traffic, and stopped at the gate.

The Art of the Deal, Part 3

Link to part 2 – [](

Shaking his head, Dan whispered not yet, my pet…” and taking her by her hips, he pulled her powerfully to the edge of the bed, electing another giggle. Dan had waited a very long time for this, and he had a specific plan in mind. Taking her PJ shorts by the hips, he removed them s-l-o-w-l-y, enjoying the sight and the sensation of peeling them off. Stephanie Robin’s pubic hair was trimmed on the sides, but the area above her pussy was round, thick and raven black too. Locking eyes with her, he reached under her legs to place a hand either side of her hips, and they slid back a bit, onto the bed. Now it was his turn to smile, and stretching himself out, Dan started with a kiss inside her thigh, moving quickly to her lovely pussy.

Every woman has her own unique taste, and Stephanie Roberts was no different. Dan started low, using his broad tongue to push aside her labia, then moved up, to where he ever-so-slightly suckled her bright pink, lovely clitoris. Feeling her arch and groan, Dan released, and began working his way down to her vagina, almost penetrating her with his tongue, then back to her clit. He enjoyed taking control like this, feeling this woman half his age alternately grunt, squeal and pant, as she arched and moaned in reaction to his artful use of this mouth and tongue.

The Art of the Deal – Part 1

“Must be fate…..I’ve never been THAT lucky” Dan Roberts told himself. Sure enough, sitting just down from him was the incredibly cute server from his favoritebar/ watering hole. She had to be half his 55 years, and he was sure it was the combo of Green eyes and raven-black hair, along with generally petite frame that made ‘Steph’ (he only knew this from her name tag) so attractive. Today though, she was looking very despondent, and Dan knew why…and what he could do about it , if this idiot idea actually worked

Dan rubbed his goatee, and made up his mind. He would approach her and see if the wild idea swinging round his head would work, or was he about to get hot coffee thrown on him, and have to find a new bar to visit. A tad nervous, he stood to his “full” 5ft 8inches, and, brushing his hand quickly thru his short whitening hair, he took a deep breath, trusted fate, and headed over