That time I streaked half naked across campus…six years after I had already graduated.

This story happened a few years ago, when I was about 28 or 29. My bf and I had been dating since college, and we both ended up working near our school, about 15 minutes away. One night, we started talking about and reliving some of my earlier flashing and streaking adventures, including times that I was naked on campus. Out of a combination of boredom and horniness, I agreed to do an old fantasy that I never fully fulfilled, which was to streak completely across campus.

I wasn't completely comfortable being entirely naked, but agreed to do it in just my panties. We've done this to various degrees, but he wanted the ultimate streak, which was for me to strip down to a thong, drop me off on one side of the school, and have him pick me up on the other side. I always was hesitant to do this back when we were still in school, but my slutty side was starting to blossom then, so I pushed myself to do it. So late at night, we drove to our old college and parked by the tennis courts on one corner of the campus, and he arranged to pick me up at the gym parking lot, at the other end.

That time I got pulled over while naked in the passenger seat of a car

This story happened my third year in college. If you've read some of my other stories you will know that during that time, I was very much into showing off my body, including streaking and flashing. My bf and I would come up with little dares or bets that almost always involved me getting naked somewhere in public.

One night, we were playing pool in his apartment complex's game room area. He is much much better at pool than I am, and I was feeling extra naughty that night, so I told him that if he beat me I would get completely naked for him in the car. It was pretty much a way for me to have to do something crazy while still being able to blame a lost bet. As expected, I lost.

Fast forward to later that night, on our way back to his apartment. He told me it was time to pay up on my bet, so I started to slowly strip while riding in the passenger seat. I started pulling off my clothes, starting with my shirt. No sooner had I pulled it off my head, then he reached over, grabbed the shirt, and flung it behind him to the backseat. He smiled at me while I mocked shock, and he told me that was to ensure that I didn't back out of it.

Stripped in a parking garage, followed by a blowjob and public sex out in the open.

By request, here is a story of a time when I got naked and had sex in a parking garage.

I met up with one of my regular fuck buddies at a parking garage because we were SUPPOSED to go to a party. Him and his buddies were at a movie, that I didn't care to go to, but were going to a party afterwards, and invited me. However, when I got there, it became clear they had other ideas in mind, and the party never really left the parking garage. It was him and about 4 or 5 of his friends in a garage after they had went to some movie.

I pull up next to them and get out of my car. The plan was for me to leave my car there and just go in my friend's car. I get out, wearing a skin tight backless back dress and heels. I knew I looked damn good and the guys didn't hide that they were checking me out. I go up to my boy and he immediately slips his arms around my waist, slipping into my dress. I knew I looked out of place, with me in a $500 black dress and everyone else just in jeans and tshirts. We chat for a while, with basically everyone staring at me. I expected to be leaving soon, but instead of leaving for the party (who knows if there was ever really one), my boy puts a dollar bill into my dress and asks me to show a little something-something. I love that dress too, because it's backless and I look pretty hot in it if I do say so myself.

That time I got naked in downtown SF

For those of you that watch the League, I'm sure you're familiar with the episode from Season One with the Usual Bet. If not, here's a little background, there is a scene in the first season where one of the girls loses the Usual Bet, which means she had to strip down naked in a dark alleyway for two minutes. If you haven't seen it I would youtube that scene or something. I know my boyfriend really liked it and had always talked to me about doing it.

Well that opportunity came up one night a couple of years ago. We were watching that episode with a bunch of friends so it was fresh in our minds. We went out with another couple that night to bar hop, and play some pool. Pool always happens to be a game where I end up losing and having to do something crazy btw. It really is just an excuse to have me get naked somewhere public usually…lol! And my bf also uses it as a tool to get girls naked!