I [M] 19 fucked my friends girl [F] 19 while he was passed out in my bathroom

Skip to the paragraph marked “this one” if you don’t care about back round or context hope y’all enjoy. :)

This was like 3 weeks into college I stayed in the “nicer dorms” called suites not the little prison cells you typically see, essentially apartments with no kitchen. For this reason we pretty much only hung out at my place we had a living room individual rooms etc. This cheerleader I knew from a different hs from my home town and I got in touch when we found out we both went to the same college. She added me to this huge group chat of relatively nice people she met at College summer camp (two weeks in the summer before school starts for incoming freshmen to meet other freshmen) giving me some kind of a social life freshmen year especially these first few weeks.

I [M] 19 cucked a dude freshmen year of college

This was like 3 weeks into college I stayed in the “nicer dorms” called suites not the little prison cells your used to, essentially apartments with no kitchen. For this reason we pretty much only hung out at my place we had a living room individual rooms etc. This cheerleader I knew from a different hs from my home town and I got in touch when we found out we both went to my state school. She added me to this huge group chat of relatively nice people she met at College summer camp (two weeks in the summer before school starts for incoming freshmen to meet other freshmen) giving me some kind of a social life freshmen year especially these first few weeks.

I met the guy I cucked through this chat we will call Him mark, we had gotten pretty tight smoking weed studying just hanging out. When we were in the dinning hall one night I saw this insanely cute red head 5’5 long red hair freckles maybe 110lbs. Just the cutest girl you can imagine in the line in front of us I pointed her out and turned to use my phone by the time I looked back up mark was talking to her I was very impressed with that go get It drive after all dude was 6’4 had the most chiseled jaw line I’ve honestly ever scene no homo though.

The time I [M] 18 cheated on my gf with the team whore [F] 19

(I’m ganna go ahead and start this off by saying every person in the story was over the age of 18. I was 18, Parker was 18 and my ex was 19. The story took place in Texas where the age of consent is 17) for those of y’all that are horny and don’t care about background skip to the paragraph marked “this one” :)

I played football at a rich white high school it was a pretty big school my graduating class was like a thousand we had football trainers only girls who we’re interested in pursuing a career in sports medicine or kinesiology were allowed to sign up for the position. They were basically extremely under qualified nurse assistants that studied under the actual two full time sports medicine doctors are school had to take care of us. Anyways the trainers (about 15 of them) were pretty evenly split on good girls who didn’t put out and were just there for college resumes. Then the girls who did it to get noticed by the athletes, and you could probably fuck with relatively minimal effort.

How I [M] 19 became a free use boy toy for a [F] 22 med student my first semester of college

This is an extremely long story by far the longest I’ve written but I promise y’all it’s 100% worth it, Ladies I think you’ll especially enjoy this one. also this perfectly encapsulates my first college party. I have shorter stories on my profile as well ;)

You can skip to the paragraph marked “this one” if your just horny I get some people don’t care about context or background it’s just how we met but I’m telling ya its not a bad read

My freshmen year of college before I joined my fraternity, they had me out for a party during informal rush week. I decided to bring my friend Travis along as well to my surprise the door guy who I’d never met before had my face memorized and let me and my friend right in as soon as we walked through the door we were greeted by a room full of beautiful slutty college girls jumping up and down in various stages of dress and undressed it was a pajama themed party. So the guys just wore joggers slippers maybe a under shirt if you have muscles to show off. The girls…. The girls well the slutty ones outright wore lingerie, the “good girls” wore actual pjs most girls fell somewhere in between some kind of lingerie top with either spanks, boy boxers, or pajama short shorts. was the usual I saw.