Meadows part 1 A lesbian story

Hi everyone this is my first erotic writing it is a fantasy of mine please excuse any spelling mistakes or punctuation errors I’m dyslexic

Please let me know what you think?✨

Meadows part 1

I’m out walking one day and it’s just a nice stroll, it was lovely out in the sun I wasn’t wearing much only a short sun dress in a lovely summers eve I decided to wonder off the trail and go into the woods and have a look at the lovely flowers in the meadow however in the distance I can hear a little noise it sounds cute and sweet I’m not sure what it is so I just wait a while and sit down and listen to the nature sounds but I keep hearing the sweet sounds in the distance and I get up and try and find out what it is, but as I’m walking over it becomes more obvious to me that it’s a sweet lady whos touching her sweet little pussy she’s I ask her if she’s okay and she says “yes I’m so sorry I thought I was the only one coming off the trail and I thought I had some time to myself I was just thinking about an old college girlfriend and I was getting so wet thinking about it so I thought I’d have some fun here, why don’t you join me I’m Siena by the way”.