[MF] I’ve been fantasizing about a guy I met before quarantine and it’s driving me crazy

Hi, I’m Andrea or Ann, whichever you prefer :)

I usually keep this stuff in my personal journal but my latest escapade might be exciting enough to post here! Please excuse some of the weirdness and incongruity that might appear, I’m essentially editing together multiple journal entries from different days into one big chunk!

I work in a downtown space that shares buildings with a bunch of other companies so there’s always lots of people around. So I know a few people, recognize a *bunch* of people, but am only familiar with a small group.

ANYWAYS. Who cares.

Just before the virus got really scary, I ran into a new guy at the building that I was *immediately* attracted to. Right away he was bantering back and forth with an easy confidence. Such a turn on. I razzed him about the tie he was wearing and he just immediately played it up and we laughed together. He asked me if I wanted to have lunch with him. Too bad, since I was already having lunch with my mom that day.

I met up with Joe again… at the bar. [FM]

Okay. I hope you guys remember me. If not, I posted about a little thing that happened to me on my last day on my internship. It’s in my post history still.

A bunch of you kept telling me to text Joe and send him something sexy. I tried. I really tried. I dressed up all sexy and touched myself so many times (taking pictures each time) and was trying to work up the nerve to send them. But I didn’t, because I’m super shy and always tried to send them AFTER cumming… probably should have just hit send while I was really horny and not thinking straight.

I’m sure a fucking contradiction, because typing this all up and showing it to you guys seems so much easier and ALSO gets me going. But then again, you don’t know me or know what I look like… you’d probably think I was an innoncent sweet shy girl if we met :)

But we come to last night, and I get a text from Joe:

“How’s the freedom? Are you keeping busy?”

I texted back, “It’s terrible! I need something to keep me occupied or I just end up lying in bed all day.”

[MF] I finally got the guy I work with.

So, I don’t ever post stuff but I wanted to share. It’s something that happened to me TODAY and I already masturbated to it once… the second I got home.

I got an internship at a pretty cool company in the downtown of my city. It actually involved a lot of stuff that decidedly WASN’T interny. I only had to fetch coffee and and that stuff about 10 times… so that’s pretty good for an intern.

This company is pretty prestigious, and the dress code is pretty strict. The guys are in suits for the most part, which is something I find REALLY attractive. Like, stupidly so. The very first day I started on this internship, there was a younger guy closer to my age that pretty much was the first person I saw. We rode the elevator up together and made small talk. It sounds cliche and all that stupid stuff, because I didn’t even really work that closely with him or his department, but I was immediately attracted to him.