unfinished untitled story (MF)

Part 1

It was getting late as he pulled up outside her apartment building, he’d been horny all day, but now his arousal was building into something that he hadn’t felt in a long time. As he opened the car door and stood up, he could feel his blood-pressure rising. His cock had somehow broken through the fly on his boxer shorts and was pressing against the metal zip of his trousers. There was pain, pain from the zip and pain from his aching cock. God but he needed some release from this tension.

Crossing the road, he approached her apartment block and pressed the buzzer, he heard a ‘click’ and the door unlatched, he crossed the floor and approached the stairs, his nostrils flared, he would’ve sworn that he could smell his own pre-cum seeping from his pulsating cock. Presently he came to the door, her door, the threshold he’d been wanting to cross since they first spoke.

He knocked & paused, no answer, he knocked again, and tentatively spoke her name:


A muffled voice replied:

“I’m in here, the doors open”