Help A Girl Out!

So, there’s this website called Hyper dreams (without the space in the middle). They have some erotic choose-your-own-adventure style content that I’ve enjoyed on plenty of occasions there, but a massive amount of extra content locked behind a paywall.

I wouldn’t mind paying the money for the service given how frequently I use it. But firstly, it does seem a bit sketchy to me so I’m hesitant to give them any financial information. Secondly, I’m worried that even if I did bite the bullet and pay for the log-in key, my husband would be able to see the expenditure in our financial records (which he mostly handles because he’s honestly a straight-up financial wizard).

So I was wondering if anyone had a log-in key for the site that they’d be willing to share with me so a bored housewife could get her rocks off a bit more frequently.

It would be greatly appreciated~