your 18 year old daughter got wasted on her birthday [rape][incest]

You wake up in the middle of the night from your phone ringing. Your first reaction is to wanna beat the shit out of whoever woke you, but when you see my name, your daughter, on the screen you suddenly wake up completely, worried about why I might be calling this late. You quickly answer the phone.

“Hello? You okay, Britney?”

“Daaaaad..?” I don’t sound normal at all and you get even more worried, already jumping out of bed and starting to wrangle your way into some clothes.

“Where are you? what’s going on?”

“Daaad, I’m… soooo drunk!” You freeze with one leg in the air in the middle of putting your pants on.

“What?!” You ask as your worry turns to anger.

I hiccup. “The grls took me out to drunk, and now they’re gone and I dunno whereIam…”

You try to keep your anger under control while you wrestle enough information out of me to find out where I am. Then you get in your car and come pick me up. You find me standing by the road and I drunkenly run over to give the car a hug. You open the car door and put one foot on the ground standing up.