The Club Dare Part 1 [FFM]

This story unfortunately doesn’t specifically star me, but it gives you the context for why my friend gave me such a tricky challenge when she dared me to do my delivery challenge.

This was during the summer, after I’d broken up with my boyfriend, but before I had really explored much on Reddit. My feelings at the time were a bit mixed, sad that we’d broken up, but a bit optimistic for the future. My friend, Elena, was her usually sexy self, assuring me that I was much much better off and that I wouldn’t regret the choice at all. Everyone should have a friend like Elena, except that would probably get a lot of us in trouble pretty often. To give you a description, Elena’s a few years older than me, but she’s also incredibly wild and crazy. She’s got this natural tanned skin, long black hair, and an incredibly naughty, teasing smirk. Her boobs are smaller than mine (but still cute and sexy), but her ass is to die for! Big and firm, and her hips sway really well when she walks. Between the both of us, she’s the one that sexuality comes more naturally to. I’m not sure if it’s because of her experience, or it’s just an inherent Latina thing, but she’s gorgeous and knows how to move her hips so well. I get a lot of attention when we go out (not to brag) but Elena’s a much better flirt and guys just seem to get the idea that she’ll be up for anything. Plus, she’s usually a bit of an aggressor in these situations, so she winds up taking a guy home just about everytime we go out. I’ll put up a pic of her on my profile if there’s a lot of desire to see her!

Update: Brutally teasing my platonic male friend. [FM]

After my photoshoot session with him got out of hand, I’ve been keeping things with him a lot less explicit, but making sure to torture him as much as I can. I’ve made it clear to him that I’m not interested in pursuing a serious relationship, either physical or sexual. He is also attracted to another girl in our group, but I’ve been slightly getting in the way of that haha. I guess it’s probably mean of me to be continuing to tease and give him hope, but he says he understands. Plus, it’s so much fun and I figure it’s better to get some attention than none? What do you guys think? Would you want me to stop?

He Made Me Cum So Hard I Passed Out [F]

Full disclosure: This story’s a little hazy, cause I was pretty intoxicated for it, but I wrote the events down as soon as I could. This weekend I met up with David again for our second date, and it was absolutely lovely. If you want to catch up, check out my stories about when he asked me out, and about my first date (they’re almost as hot as this one was) for context, but they’re probably not really necessary to enjoy this. I’m not going to bore you guys with the cutesy details (cause I feel like that’s not why you’re here) so to skip ahead, we ended the evening with quite a few drinks at a pub before he drove us back to his (he drank responsibly, don’t worry).

I[F] Started Teasing and Playing With My Platonic Male Best Friend

Really sorry these have started to get so long haha, I’ve been taking bullet points down after stuff happens so I don’t forget any details, but I feel like the amount of detail is getting a bit excessive. Lemme know if you guys prefer I tone it down.

This started last week when I was chatting with a guy online (you can read about it in my last story) and he was really turning me on. Eventually I absolutely could not stand it, the scenario he was describing to me was escalating and I was so horny. Neglecting to even tell the guy I was chatting with, I messaged David (date guy from my other stories) but he was unfortunately busy.

I was going to give up, and content myself with sexting and playing with myself as usual, but I saw one of my best friends was online, so I asked him if he was free to come over. It was super late, so I didn’t expect him to show up, but in the middle of sexting with the reddit guy, he knocked on my door. I shouldn’t have been surprised, he has always had an unrequited crush on me, but I’d always been in a relationship and he hadn’t made a move since we met back up after me and my bf broke up. Nothing had ever happened between us, it had always been strictly platonic, but he was an awesome friend and reasonably cute.

My [F]irst date ended with me swallowing two loads of cum

David picked me up and we drove off to a lovely restaurant. He was pretty funny and surprisingly dorky, which I adored. Very cute and charming. He called me out on my nerdiness, but expressed appreciation and even knew *almost* as much dorky shit as I do. I can’t lie, I really enjoyed myself. Before I wanted it to end, the dinner was over and the restaurant was closing. He seemed to be having as much fun as I was (I hope), because he suggested we keep the night going.

We hit up the spoons (my insistence) even though it was already 11, and had a few more drinks at the pub until they closed. It was a fantastic night. He was really great with his compliments, not too much, continuing to toe the fine line between appreciative and creepy. A total gentleman. I had managed to insist that we split dinner, but he bought drinks, which annoyed me (and made me blush). He didn’t have much to drink cause he was driving, and I would have insisted on splitting them as well, but the way Spoons works here is you do the orders on your phone, and the staff bring the drinks to you. As soon as my drink was done another one showed up before I could even pull my phone out. I genuinely do not know how he accomplished it, I only saw him pulling his phone out the once. However, as always, they closed pretty early, so he offered to drive us back to his for another drink or two. He was really smooth about it too, asking me if I was tired first before he brought up his place, giving me any easy way out of carrying on the date if I didn’t want to.

I[F] sexted and came to someone else before I went on and sucked off my amazing date

The day of my first date with the cute guy from my last post finally arrived, and I was getting ready, putting on my cutest dress and matching undies (just in case). I was brushing my hair, doing what I needed to do, when I stupidly checked Reddit and saw messages from a guy I’ve been chatting to for a while. I foolishly engaged and we bantered for a bit before things took a pretty sexy turn. I was already a bit nervous and excited for my date, and the dirty talk was not helping.

I snapped a pic of my outfit, and even got convinced to snap a few of what I was wearing underneath it. The fact that “David” (fake name for date guy, cause I think he’s going to be a recurring guy in my stories) was on his way to pick me up in less than thirty minutes made it extra dirty and I wound up working my clit as I read these increasingly sexual messages. This Redditor got more and more explicit, and seemingly got off on the idea of making me cum before my date arrived. I won’t go into too much detail, cause that’s between he and I, but suffice to say, he succeeded. I was a sweaty, dripping mess within 15~ minutes and my thong was absolutely soaked.

A Slutty Ginger’s [F]irst Handjob

The first time I ever gave a handjob was with my second boyfriend, “Austin”. I never actually slept with him, but fooling around in his car that last summer after high school made some of my favorite memories, partly because I was young and stupid and he seemed so cocky and cute. The first guy I ever did anything sexual with, he definitely got me going. Since I know you all care, I unfortunately was too naïve to care or reeeeally notice dick size at this point. However, he did have a bigger dick than my later “serious” boyfriend would. It was honestly barely longer, if much at all, but a decent bit thicker. Though, he never got it inside me, so too bad for him!

The [F]ood Delivery Video

Hey everyone! I know it’s been a little while since I’ve posted, but university and some personal stuff had kind of gotten in the way for a while, but hopefully I’m going to be a lot more regular now!

Not sure if anyone even remembers, but I’ve finally uploaded the video from my food delivery dare a few months back! We ordered and I excitedly (and super nervously) stripped off my bottoms before the driver arrived. I might have been literally hopping up and down right before this video begins, it was pretty nerve wracking, but afterwards it was a huge rush lol. I could definitely see myself doing more along these lines in the future. I tried to take some of your suggestions, and bent over (even tried to give a really quick little wiggle haha). I’m not sure what he saw, but I’m pretty pleased with how it came out!

I’m sorry it’s so choppy in the first couple seconds, not sure why!

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Classic Pizza Dare (but maybe with Shawarma) [F]

I’ve been away for a while (needed to work and study to afford and not fail university) but I’ve got something naughty planned tonight! My friend has dared me to order food and answer the door in just a tee-shirt and panties. We’re even debating whether I should leave my purse on the ground behind me, so I have to bend over to get it.

I know it’s not the most creative thing ever – super classic porny – and definitely not as extreme as some of your posts, but I’m really excited (and nervous)! The plan is only to do it if it’s a guy who comes out of the car, and my friend and I are debating whether I should film it or not, but I’m not sure. If you guys have any suggestions on how to spice things up (without going crazy) let me know!

inb4 Naked/fuck him/blowjob, I’m definitely not at that level yet, maybe one day, but I’m keeping things a bit milder for now lol

Here’s a preview of what I’m gonna be wearing tonight, just short enough to show off but still what I could be casually wearing around the house lol.

[F] Short Dress on a Windy Day

Not particularly exciting, but I went out to lunch with my friend Elena recently. She suggested I wear my cute new dress and lent me a pair of her heels as well. They’re honestly pretty simple black heels, but I’m not used to wearing anything like this so it made me feel like a princess haha.

Unfortunately, it was a bit windy so I had to be extra careful. I had never realized how short this dress actually was until I walked around in public, barely able to keep my balance lol. I had to keep holding it down while walking. Any bending over, or tripping would have given everyone in the vicinity an eyeful of my little thong and booty. I definitely felt a lot of eyes on me as we walked to the restaurant and even after we sat down. It made me nervous but incredibly excited! I never usually show this much skin, but it’s definitely something I would want to try doing again. Maybe next time I’ll forgo the underwear too.

I attached a couple images of the outfit so you guys wouldn’t feel left out of the fun!