[MF] Room 1716 Part 2: choices and being mesmerized

I had a rule about seeing sex workers. It might be weird for some, but I don’t do second visits. I always saw it as just me scratching an itch. Just me having some fun with minimal emotional investment. I didn’t want any emotional attachments. I can assure you that I am never rude to the girls. Always polite and kind but I have always avoided mixing any of my emotions into it. It’s inappropriate. They are doing their job.

M is different. I couldn’t get the thoughts of her out of my system. Since I saw her on Thursday, her scent, her body, the sound of her voice has been haunting me. I talked to my friends about her. I tried to rationalize it. I tried to stick with my rule.

In the end, it felt like my brain lost out to a mixture of my heart and my dick. I set up a session against my better judgement. Or was it against my better judgement? It felt like one of those things that I would regret because I chose not to do rather than choosing to do it.

[MF] Room 1716: Vulnerability and Intimacy

The night began when my prior booking was cancelled. Disappointed and desperate, I shot a message to another agency. This agency had disappointed on both occasions. Against my better judgement, I booked the earliest slot possible. This Brazilian lady had caught my eye since they started advertising her week ago but I managed my expectations knowing what my previous experiences were like.

“Knock, knock” I gave a light tap on Room 1716. “Give me a minute.” a raspy voice called out. A moment later, the door opened. I walked in and I was greeted by what I would describe as someone straight out of my fantasies. She was wearing black Victoria’s Secret Lingerie. She looked even better than her photos. Olive skin, petite but perfectly proportioned. I think my jaw must have dropped. “You’re fucking gorgeous. I need to double the length of our session if its possible.” She giggled.