He Kept His Mask On [MF]

Usually there’s a bit of a filter between the time I do a thing and the the time I write it up. Usually I wait a bit and decide what I feel about it before I decide to share it, or I have a minute to process the thing I did, or just have the critical distance on it to have some perspective. But this one was two weeks ago. Exactly, because it was also on a Wednesday.

Work has been really shitty lately with all of the shut downs; I’m in an essential industry serving other essential industries but the end products aren’t being made and my job has been very slow because of it. And so this was a day that was particularly dead, and a day where I was feeling particularly stir crazy. I’ve been fairly good about staying home and not going out through this entire thing but that gets really lonely and my normal outlets have gradually not worked. There’s only so much I can text or Facetime with someone before I need connection of some sort.

“You’re Melting” [MF]

He was a lot older than me. It was someone from online, and the context of said meeting is maybe not for this forum; you just need to know it was the middle of the day on a Wednesday, that his wife wasn’t around, was maybe not living there anymore, was maybe out of town. This was before, when we could go wherever we wanted, when the idea of social distancing was something that you did to get away, not a way of life.

I was 26 then. I’m 26 now.

I had been to this area before, I had friends in high school who lived near him, but never in this context. Before it was a place we went to trick or treat, because the people who lived in this area had the money for the good candy, because the streets were bright. If he was living there not ten years ago he’d have given me a full sized Snickers, me dressed as whatever the fuck costume I wore that year, a cat or a cheerleader or a zombie. My friend Heather lived nearby, her parents probably still in the same house I slept over at. I drove past it on the way to see him.

Everyone’s A Little Bit Racist [FM]

*(Just a note: This is relating an experience that ended up involving some racially charged language about Latinas. I’ve personally had worse said to me, although not in this context, but if you’re very sensitive to that maybe skip this story.)*

College was a weird time for me. I’ve written up some of the exploits before, but the long and the short of it was that for a couple of years when I first got there I was anxious about class and stressed about growing up and also at the same time free from the constraints of having to live at home. I was on my own and free to act out a bit, and that led to some questionable encounters, led to me managing my anxiety about school through anonymous sex. It was simultaneously a hell of a lot of fun and also probably not the healthiest way to handle things; I wouldn’t change the fact that I had those encounters, but looking back I might have changed the reason I was having them.

Late Night Bars and Uber Receipts [FM]

So I was recently in a long term relationship. This long term relationship was with a guy I knew from high school; we’d dated then (I lost my virginity to him, actually) and broke up and then, later, got back together. I was like twenty when we reconnected, and by then I’d gone through a fair number of hookups. I’d done some things I wasn’t proud of but thought I’d learned from, and the idea of stability and of actually being cared for as a person was appealing, as it should be.

And for several years, this was mostly true. I knew I tended towards a little darker sexual experience than he cared for, but I also knew that I was sometimes a little dangerous to myself. The rabbit holes I’m prone to go down aren’t always safe; I’ve detailed some of them in here before, you can look up my past stories if you want details, but the fact of the matter was that when I was twenty I had scared myself by the things I was allowing myself to do. I knew I needed to get my shit together; I was struggling with a lot of things, in school and in my family life and with some depression, and some stability seemed good.

More Hookup Than I’d Planned For [MFM]

So I’d held off on posting this on the off chance that people I knew would find this account, but now I’m out of the relationship I was on a break from while it happened and, well…I no longer really care, I guess.

It’s been a year or so since I posted anything at all, so bare with me while I get back into the rhythm here. I should warn ahead of time that there are elements of nonconsensual sex in this story; the way I see it is that I made a terrible choice and things happened, none of which were as bad as they could have been, but I don’t want to trigger you; if you think that might be triggering, tap out now.

This happened back in February. At the time, my then-boyfriend and I were on a bit of a break. It was a bit of a manufactured fight, a little bit of drama that we would go through once in awhile; I would do something he wouldn’t like, the fight would escalate, he’d say something dumb, I’d tell him I needed a break, we’d get back together a few weeks later. Simple. Easy. Then after a week he’d start being apologetic, I’d string him along, I’d get back together with him pending certain conditions, rinse and repeat. We’d done this dance before, and I knew we’d be getting back together.

Putting on a Show [FM]

So this is the last of the stories I have about guys I met in hotels (there’s one guy I left off because it was basically just sex, and while the whole thing was slutty it’s not really that interesting a story).

This guy was from out of town and was setting something up for the weekend after, so there were a few days to plan. Usually I wouldn’t do things this way, I’d get horny and need to fuck someone that night (typically after a few hours of edging, which was always a good way to make my mind think bad ideas were good ones); planning in advance was different, and the few times I’d tried it I’d chickened out. There’s a difference between getting caught up in a moment and actually planning, consciously, to do these things; most of the things I’ve done have been a result of spur-of-the-moment bad choices, not from deliberate, long term planning.

But this guy was engaging. Or at least his e-mails were. And I knew for sure he was going to be getting in late, so I knew he was from out of town, which was my absolute favorite kind of anonymous hookup. The kind that leaves my city right after he’s done with me. So I spent the week talking to this guy.

Booty Call for the Teacher’s Assistant [FM]

For those of you keeping track of a rough chronology for these stories, this one happened when I was 19. It was sophomore year of college, fall; I’d taken classes over the summer. I was done meeting guys online by this point, but still occasionally fucking my manager at the theater.

I’m going to call the T.A. involved Brian, because that’s not his name. He’d been a T.A. for a political science class I’d taken that summer, and was working around the department. I was a poli sci major, so I’m pretty sure our whole relationship (if it was a relationship) was against the rules. But, really…he was never the T.A. of a class I was taking. And anyways…I wasn’t the one breaking the rules.

It started, actually, with a little text flirting. I needed to get information for an assignment in the class I had with him, and texted him over the summer to get that. And it got a little flirty; he knew who I was, we’d talked, so it was that funny, teasing kind of flirty that didn’t really usually go somewhere.

Sympathy Blowjob [FM]

So like up to now everything I’ve posted has been some weird power dynamic or some internal conflict. But today I’m just going to tell you about the time I blew a guy at a party because I felt bad for him. Because sometimes you just do something and it isn’t dripping with subtext, it’s just a slutty thing you did.

This was during my freshman year of college. I lived at home but spent a lot of nights in dorm rooms of friends of mine, especially after we went out drinking, and there were plenty of chances to just go to parties, hang out, that kind of thing. I was enjoying that part of life, being a pseudo-adult, all of that.

So I was at a party my soon-to-be-sorority was hosting. There was this guy there, average guy, nothing particularly noteworthy. I’m very flirty when I drink and I’d definitely been drinking. Note that “flirty” doesn’t automatically mean “horny”, I just like the flirting part; it can escalate from there but it doesn’t have to.

The Aborted Threesome [FM]

(Originally on r/stupidslutclub)

Might as well get all of these down, huh? I’ve really enjoyed sharing these stories with you guys, and I hope you’re enjoying me sharing them.

One of the biggest things that I thought about when I was going on these little rendezvous was that anything really COULD happen. That was the thrill. The idea was that I was just along for the ride, really; I was deliberately vague about what I was open to, and I deliberately didn’t ask what the men I was meeting wanted to do. Some of them advertised specific things, but usually I was going into this cold.

So this was the third time. This may very well have been the last time, too, because I made some mistakes that I wouldn’t replicate again. First, I went with a guy much younger than I usually went for. Up until now (and, really, after now) I’d been sure it was men in their late thirties, early forties. And I kind of assumed that if they were SAYING 45, they were probably ACTUALLY 50; I was pushing my age up from 18 to 22, so I figured they were doing something similar.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love (er…Tolerate) Rimming [FM]

About me, because you want a mental image I’m sure: I’m Brooke, I’m 24, 5’3″, 135 lbs. I’m all ass, no tit, and I look vaguely Lebanese but am actually Cuban.

So as I discussed in the last thread I made, I went through a bit of a period between the time I was 18 until I was about 20. I was doing risky things with people I didn’t know on a semi-regular basis, probably once a month or so. It was like I was in heat; the combination of attention and the ability to finally fulfill certain fantasies or cravings combined together to make me do things that, in retrospect, were not really very well thought out.

I had started by meeting men in hotels. Strangers. I’d troll Craigslist and find guys looking for women who either had pictures I like or a way about them (you can get a sense of how someone is from how they write, usually). I tried mostly to stick to men who were in town for work, but it wasn’t like I was background checking them or anything, I just assumed if they said they were they were and went with it.