The [F]un I had this past [F]riday

I wasn’t really in the mood to go out last night cuz I just wanted to rest but my friend convinced me to go out and I’m glad she did. I got dressed, nothing special just wore jeans and a cute red top and we went to the club to do a little bit of drinking and dancing.

I wasn’t expecting much out of the night since I kinda just wanted to stay home but as we drank, I started to loosen up. Me and my friend were dancing with each other on the dance floor and I see someone looking at me checking me out. I thought she was really pretty and we made eye contact a few times.

After drinking a few, I need to go to the little ladies room so I went and left the dance floor. When I got to the little hallway where the bathroom was I hear someone say hi to me and it was the girl that was watching me dance. She looked so much better up close. She was wearing this really tight black dress which barely covered her ass. We made small talk but I needed to go pretty bad so I went in the bathroom. She followed me in and kept talking to me.