Sucking a stranger’s cock and cheating in Las Vegas… [M][F]

I’ve gone back and forth on sharing this for a while. It’s a true story, but one that might make me look bad. But when I think about it, it turns me on still. And if it turns me on, I might as well share it with strangers on Reddit.

First, I want to say I love my boyfriend. We’ve been dating three and a half years. He’s nice, caring, funny, and hot. And I’ve stayed faithful. 99% of the time. My biggest, most dirty, horrible secret is that at the very beginning of our relationship, I sucked a random cock in Las Vegas.

My best friend Melissa and I went to Las Vegas in 2016 as a graduation present gifted by her parents. We were both 21. Her and I were, and are, very close friends. Melissa at this time was dating a new guy she was really into. I had been, as of a week before Vegas, dating a good friend (the one I’m still dating three years later). We were seeing if a relationship could work between us and it was going great so far. But Las Vegas was just us girls. Our boyfriends trusted us, though.