I am having the best sex of my life with my situationship partner [FM]

Long time lurker, first time poster. This post is a long overdue spill of pent up sex and emotion so I’m sorry in advance if it’s unreadable and extremely long.

We met on Tinder. I wasn’t really sure how I felt about him at first, and while usually I’m someone who wastes no time to find out sexual compatibility, it took a few dates before we even kissed. It’s been a weird span of months trying to figure out who and what we are to each other but I’d like to think we’re finally hitting our groove with boundaries that work for us. All this back and forth / trial and error / hit or miss / crazy bullshit to figure out the healthiest approach has been worth it because we both can safely say we’re having the best sex of our lives right now. God, it’s so good that my vibrator doesn’t feel the same anymore.