[mm] left in only a pink thong at a party

There’s this one scene from Friends that fucked me up. Chandler gets his clothes stolen by Julia Roberts and he’s left in a restaurant bathroom in her pink thong she made him wear.

It became a total kink immediately. Wearing underwear someone else told me to and then being left somewhere public in them. I thought about it all the time.

I was in college, 21, when I was drunk enough to tell someone and he told me he got it. He was older, maybe 30? And then he told me to go to a local department store and buy a pink thong, change into them in the stall, and walk out, throwing my underwear away. address for me to head afterward.

In the store, a woman offered to help. I lied and said I wanted to get something sexy for my girlfriend who was “built like me” – I was pale and scrawny, but that was in relation to guys. She wasn’t buying it, she also didn’t seem to care. “Sometimes I wear her jeans,” I added, like this made it more believable.