Training my step-sister. Part 1 [MF]

I’m relishing having a Friday evening to myself. I’ve plugged my headphones into my PC and fired up my favourite game, happy to not have to see people for the next few hours. It’s about 10pm as I’m about to begin the first round, and my door bursts open. My step-sister is bawling her eyes out, her mascara leaking over her perfectly done makeup. As I pause the game, and turn to her, she closes the door and starts muttering uncontrollably.

“W-w-why does this always happen to me?” she says, tears streaming down her face. “I just don’t know what I’m doing wrong.”

I’m a bit perplexed. I know she went for dinner with a guy she’d been seeing for the last few weeks, but to be honest I didn’t really expect her to be home so early. She puts her arms out and I know she needs a hug. Taking a moment, I remove my headphones and then stand up to embrace her. I let her nestle into my chest, as I hold her protectively.

“What’s happened?” I say, “do I need to go and sort this guy out?”

The Nighttime School For Sluts [MF]

Lacie grew up different from everyone else. Her mind constantly racing, her body never fully satisfied. She never knew why she had those thoughts, or why she gave into her urges. She just did.

At the age of 18, she was admitted to the Nighttime School For Sluts (NSFS), where she signed away any right to her bodily autonomy. During the day she was a studious university student, achieving top marks across the board. Recognised by faculty as a future bright star. But as the sun set, she had to follow strict orders. Giving herself to the night and whoever may be aroused just by her presence.

Admission to the NSFS was difficult. The Challenge, as it was colloquially known, was an arduous road of missions that most simply couldn’t handle. This is the story of her admission and the slutty feats which earned her the highest honours amongst newly indoctrinated sluts.

Rumours swirled around campus about the nature of the challenges. Everyone had heard that a friend of a friend had to do something entirely unbecoming and even then was still denied admission. But part of the Club Rules, were that details of The Challenge for each applicant could not be leaked to outsiders. Even though everyone spoke in hushed tones, trying to find out the juicy details, it seldomly escaped the knowledge of the NSFS executive.

Breeding the Family. Part 2 [MF}

Most of the next day passes until it what happened the night before really hits me. I’ve fantasised in secret for what feels like forever, over the gorgeous young woman who lives in the next room. Of all the things I’d want to do with her; to her. Every fibre in my being wants her. Just to have her all to myself. But there’s something stopping me. I’ve basically avoided her all day, so some small part of me is holding me back. I’m not worried what others think, I’ve just never felt this way about someone before. And I’m almost certain it’s reciprocated.

I’ve kissed a couple people before. But that was mainly at parties, after a few drinks. My best mate has given me shit a few times, about how I never take it further. But honestly, I never could. No matter who they were, they weren’t her. And last night just proved that. I’ve never felt that electricity, that chemistry, before. It was almost magnetic. Completely in sync in the darkness of the night. All I want is to feel that again.

As I think about last night again, my whole body just responds. Feeling a warmth all over, an unyielding hum of desire.

Breeding the Family [MF]

We’ve always been a close family, the five of us spending a lot of time together over the years. Growing up, we’ve stayed in the same home. It’s a two story suburban house, with ample lawn and foliage spread throughout the front and back gardens. Most of the living spaces and my parents bedroom are down stairs, whilst our bedrooms were all on the second floor.

Luckily, being the oldest meant I had the first choice of rooms. Naturally I picked the biggest room, with the best lighting and it’s own ensuite. It’s always been a point of contention, as my younger sister also chose a decently sized room, whilst my youngest sister had to have the smallest one, sandwiched between my other sister’s and their shared bathroom. It’s great to be the eldest, hey?

It was also probably harder for my youngest sister, as she’s several years our junior, whilst we are barely a year apart. This meant we spent a lot of time together over the years and have developed a very close bond. Ever since my youngest sister turned 18, she’s been acting weird around me and I’m not entirely sure why.