Not Quite My Fantasy Threesome, But I’ll Take It. (M/M/F/F)

This is my first time posting on here, so my apologies if it is a little bit long… I’m not generally much of the posting type, but I had such a great experience that I felt the need to share. I hope you enjoy the read.

First, let me give you a tiny bit of background information about myself. I am a 28 year old female, and I am currently in the happiest, healthiest relationship of my life. Kris and I were set up by a mutual friend approximately 3 years ago, and we have been inseparable since then. Our sex life has also been amazing… except for one thing! Ever since we started dating, I have been fantasizing about bringing another woman into the bedroom. I had expressed this desire to Kris a number of times, but we were having difficulty finding a viable candidate. Prior to dating Kris, I had been the other woman in a threesome with one of my best friends, and it was amazing… I just didn’t realize it would be so difficult finding a girl who was willing to get involved with a couple. I suppose we could have searched online for someone, but that was just not something we were willing to do. We were starting to think our fantasy was simply going to remain just that.. until the other night.