My Affair With A Much Younger Co-Worker [FM]

*posted with the full knowledge of my husband, who now knows the whole story*

My husband knew that Matt and I had a close emotional relationship and he suspected that Matt had romantic feelings for me. I think on some level I knew it too, but he had never been inappropriate so I kept telling my husband there was nothing there. One Monday morning, after I had worked a late shift at the hospital, I told my husband that the night before, Matt had walked me out to my car after my shift (this wasn’t unusual, we typically would walk out together for safety; then I would drive him to his car) and I said that when he got in we talked for a minute and then Matt kissed me. I told my husband that I was taken by surprise, and that I didn’t pull away immediately. I also told him that after a few seconds I did pull away and told Matt that “I can’t”.

This is what actually happened:

The actual affair started about a month earlier, one night when my husband was out of town. Matt called me (that was routine for us, we talked almost every night when my husband was away, mostly just to pass time and for him to keep me company).