Man oh man, man on man! [MM]

Shawn, my best friend from my high school years turned out to be gay. I didn’t know he was gay at the time, but in hindsight the signs were there. Fast forward more than a decade and I would often find myself fantasizing about playing with him. These fantasies led me to realize that I am definitely somewhere in the bisexual section of the sexuality spectrum. While women remain my biggest turn on, and looking at men does not arouse me, I have a huge craving for cock.

After high school Shawn and I had our lives take us to different cities. While we still kept in touch via social media, we never hung out in person. That is, until I moved to the same city that some of his family lived in. One day he DM’d me to let me know he would be in town and wondered if I was up for hanging out. I was definitely up…in my pants! Shawn had no idea that I wanted his cock, and I was a bit on the fence about whether I would even mention it to him. But as the days drew nearer to his arrival, my horniness kicked into overdrive. I had to find out if he was willing, because I sure as hell was.