A fun night in.

I opened the door to his apartment, he said he’d wait for me per usual. The night out with friends was fun but the raging idea I was coming home to a throbbing dick made me come home sooner so I hopped in a cab and in no more than 10 minutes I was climbing up the stairs to the second story. The door was unlocked as he said it would be but the bedroom light was on and I was confused. Didn’t even bother taking my heels of, just dumped my small bag on the first chair I found and walked into the bedroom.
And what a fun sight it was. Him, laying on the bed, drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other, butt naked, with a pretty little ass between his legs downing on his 9 inch rock hard cock. I was stunned. We talked about threesomes not long ago but I didn’t think he’d actually do it, yet alone find another girl in such short notice. And what a girl it was, long brown hair, impeccable skin and gifted in the area where I was lacking, the booty.