Howl [F][Bst]

Mandy had always felt more at home in nature. She had left her Subaru WRX at the trail-head over three days ago, and since that time the civilized world had melted away, leaving just her, the breeze, and the sky.

She had been off the beaten trail for nearly half the time, following ridges and deer trails into the wooded wilds. Her only companions were her overstuffed Kelty pack, and her GPS. She wore tall danner boots, green L.L. Bean shorts, and a tank top which she covered with a red arc’teryx jacket in the cool mornings.

Around her the world was painted in green, the grass, the trees, the clover in the meadow. The scent of fir and juniper danced through sunbeams as it rode the wind to her nostrils with each deep breath she drew as her toned legs propelled further and further from all her cares.

She slept in a suspended hammock at night, drinking in the stars and moon. In the distance she heard the howling of wolves, their mournful wails as beautiful as the sparkling sky itself. She joined them, pouring all her rage and grief and loneliness into the air.

First Time

When I tell people that I lost my virginity doing anal with a girl long before I ever did it the normal way they are kind of surprised.

It happened in high school. There was a girl that I was friends with, who at one point asked for help with homework.

We were in my room, which was basically an extra story of the house. This was the third or fourth study session. As things went on we had started to get kind of flirty. I was entirely clueless with how to flirt, but had a certain amount of teenage vigor that meant I was a lot more bold than you might think if you knew me know.

Anyway, at one point we were sitting on the floor with books open around us, when she stood up to grab something from her bag. She was wearing some tight jeans that really showed off how round her ass was. She was a volleyball player and also did track, so you can imagine.

A chat with his sister [inc]

“Kelly, can we talk?” I said as I closed the door to her bedroom behind me.

“What’s up?” She asked, still looking into the mirror, touching up her makeup after the long drive home from college to introduce her fiance.

“I just need to tell you, before I don’t have another chance. I love you.”

She laughed a little. “Uh yeah, I hope you do”

“No, I mean.. I’m in love with you. I have been for years and I can’t bear the thought of you getting married and leaving.”

She stared into the mirror silently.

I continued, “I know its weird or something but I don’t care, i’m crazy about you. You are absolutely perfect and I can’t imagine anyone else caring about you as much as I do. He will never be as good for you as I want to be.”

She looked eyes with me in the mirror for a moment, then looked down.

“I..” She stopped herself, and breathed deeply.

She turned around in her seat to face me, and the moment she did our lips met, I brushed my hand across her cheek and rest it on her jaw. “Pick me,” I said, “i’ll treasure you forever, no one will ever treat you better.”

Asha’s Practice [F, Oral]

They say that you should not fear the man who has practiced a thousand kicks, but you should fear the man who has practiced one kick a thousands times. This was Asha’s strategy, a singular motivation that had led her to this place. She knew that she had one shot at winning Jack’s heart, and as they also say ‘the path to a dreamboat’s heart is through his dick.’ She intended to become master of the blowjob. No guy would turn down a free blowjob, right? Even a socially barren and awkward loser like Asha wouldn’t be turned down on that offer. And once she had that one shot, she would shine. Her newly practiced abilities would be beyond compare, and before he even knew what was happening Jack would be entranced by Asha, and she would have him forever.

That was Asha’s plan. It might not be the most romantic plan, but you have to admit that it could work. What was less romantic was the nuts and bolts of developing this wondrous skill, the single well crafted strike that would render Jack’s defenses low, and deliver the future movie star into Asha’s arms. The only way to get that good at anything was practice.

[reluc][oral] Fiance’ pays for my mistakes (x-post from dirty writing prompts.)

“We don’t have any money here” was the first thing she thought to say. “You did,” replied the taller of the two men, pressing the barrel of his gun against the back of my head, forcing my face down. “Or, he did, at least. Our money, and a lot of it.”

“There’s a TV, laptops. Just take what you want and go.” she said, a picture of trembling defiance in her negligee, silhouetted in the kitchen doorway, one hand steadying herself against the frame, fingers tight, tips pressed to the painted wood. “Not even close to enough, sweetie,” he answered. “And besides, we aren’t here to collect. Your little boyfriend here is going to be an example to what happens to people that don’t take their debts seriously.” The barrel was an oppressive presence against my scalp, I visualized my brain meat spread across the floor, my fingernails pulled out, bones twisted to cracking. My heart was beyond racing, it quivered in my chest, a cold flush running over me.

[Str8] Cross post from /r/dirtywritingprompts, A night at the gym .

*** I made this as a reply in dirty writing prompts, but thought it would be nice to post it here, too, since i'm and attention whore. Hope you enjoy ***

I didn't want to be that creep at the gym, staring at this beautiful girl, and with no one else there it would be super obvious if I did.

I usually had the place to myself this late, free from distraction. She was a hell of a distraction though. It was impossible to miss her the moment she entered the door, matching black top and yoga pants, dirty blonde hair up in a pony-tail. She walked like she meant business, ear buds already in. This girl was obviously here to work out, and I had her pegged as a cardio-bunny immediately.

Doing my best to ignore her, I focused on my Arnold Presses, starting with a modest 15 pounds in each hand. I assumed she would be walking right past the weights section and into the treadmill room, but to my surprise stayed, picking a fixed weight barbell off the rack opposite me. I could see both her and myself in the mirror, but I did my best not to look at her. Her wall, however, was just a picture mural of a sandy beach.