Christmas Party Slut … and I didn’t even work for the company [FM]

Well. I was complaining nothing exciting has happened recently. Ask and ye shall receive I suppose.

My friend Babs has been interning / working part-time at a multinational asset management. Daddy’s connections. Her actual dad, felt like that needed clarifying in this sub.

They had a town hall and Christmas party downtown last night and she brought me along for the party. Vaccinated employees and family only of course.

I slut myself out in a very mini dress that barely covered my ass and left my legs completely exposed. The dress covered my entire top half, back and also had a neck collar. Need to leave something to the imagination. It was a bit cold outside, single digits, but I had a long winter coat on so it helped.

I’m going to spare you all the lead up but it was a very big place and I ended up losing Babs. I was getting tipsier and tipsier as the night went on. Flirting with anyone and everyone. Given my attire I attracted a considerable amount of attention. All the men wondering which office I worked out of. So it was fine, I didn’t need her.