Browsing NSFW content is something I do like clockwork. When I’m not frantically rushing to finish an assignment, I’ll pull up reddit on my phone or laptop. Posts and posts of just naked people, sex, cocks, naughty stories. You know, the usual. Everywhere and anytime.
I take the bus to get to places around campus while watching these videos. Sitting in class waiting for lecture to start, in a boring meeting pretending to read the notes, in the hallways of church, walking/biking back to my on campus apartment, while I’m in a car, while I’m waiting in a line, while I’m eating, while I’m waiting for my yoga/boxing/cycling class to start, when I’m bored or need something to brighten my day, during my study or work breaks. I’ve even done it while waiting to meet with the chancellor of my university. I’m just scrolling through all this incredibly naughty content casually like I’m looking at articles or instagram.