[FM] My sister and I gave head to two guys after losing a beer pong game to them

My sister is 18 and recently graduated high school so we have been going to a lot of graduation parties together. Well one graduation party went to ended up being a legit party with drinking and beer pong involved rather than the usual mix of family and friends.

My sister and I were beer pong partners and we were winning a lot, not to brag but I’m really good at pong ?. We were winning a lot and getting very cocky saying no one would beat us. Well quickly after that two guys my sister graduated who were both 18 came up and told me they guarantee they could beat us. I laughed at them and he just said let’s bet then. He then blurred out if he and his friend won we had to give them blowjobs. I replied right away saying yes before my sister could say no. She gave me a dirty look after the fact, I knew she would say no.

[MF] A girl was being a bitch to me so I fucked her boyfriend

My outfit for the night will be linked at the bottom

I have a pretty close friend group in college and we normally all hang out together. One of the girls in the group who I’m not really friends with but I have to deal with due to mutual friends is a total bitch. She’s a very pretty girl, I think I’m better looking lol. But she always acts like he does no wrong and expects people to do stuff for her at parties and stuff, among other things that piss me off about her. Whenever we are having girl chats about guys which happens a lot she brags endlessly about her boyfriend, saying how handsome he is, how great is body he has, bragging that he supposedly has a huge dick. The rest of our group normally just sit there and roll are eyes, he’s a decent looking guy with a decent body not what she brags about, so he probably didn’t have a big dick either.