I blow my high school “bully” [TM]

Just a small preamble for context, I’m a transgender girl, but before I formally came out, I was a crossdresser/sissy as a way to cope with my impulses. I already made this account so whatever. Anyways, on to the story!

So, when I was in high school, I met this one guy and we both just rubbed each other the wrong way. It happens to most people at one point or another in life. But other than some mean comments, it never escalated beyond that. When I graduated high school, I thought I’d never see him again.

Skip a few years into college and I started cross-dressing (I was still in a cross dresser/femboy stage and had not yet fully started to transition) and just being kind of a slutty femboy. I’m taking a chemistry class and who do I get as a partner? Mr. Fuck Face himself! We asked to switch but teacher denied us and said pairings were random and final. We didn’t like it, but he had matured a little bit and we managed to be civil to one another.