Eating out my guy’s other girl – A short story [ff]ro[m] my first threesome

You could say it all started last fall when "Devin" insisted he could help me get girls. He'll probably deny it but I think he pretty much lost interest in the endeavor around the time we started hooking up. Anyway, about a month ago he spent the day with a previous partner, "Katie." They hooked up, as was tentatively expected, and Devin got a better understanding of his feelings for both of us. Him and I had discussed threesomes countless times, and last week I asked him seriously about the possibility of one with Katie. The same day, she offered to do "anything, and I mean anything," for him in exchange with help on a project. It was like fate. After much discussion, she agreed to judge a pussy eating contest. A few days later, following a night of wining, dining, smoking, and flirting, the three of us snuggled under the blankets on his bed with Katie in the middle. And that's where the real story starts: