I [M] fucked the shit out of my vest friends mom

My Best friend, let’s call her Kyla [F], and I went to MIT together and moved in. We had many sexual experiences with each other but this is not about that. I know her mother since the 9th grade. She was very nice and attractive. A little old, by now she’s in her mid 60’s but still attractive. Her husband died when Kyla was 4. Since then she’s been single. I brought them to my family for Thanksgiving that year. Her mom was very happy and thankful for me since I helped out with her bills and groceries sometimes, I am an engineer who is still going to MIT.

She was sober. She only had 1 shot earlier that night and she’s been drinking water for the rest of it. I had a few shots before we left but I was still able to drive. We were talking in the car and she was saying thank you for being there for her daughter, she’s grateful for me taking care of her, and she’s happy that her daughter can trust me with anything. I told her, of course, I am willing to do anything for her. Then she told me that I was a real man and that she hasn’t seen one since her husband died. I told her thank you.