Day One of My Ownership

To say that I’m nervous would be an understatement. Each breath felt more difficult to draw in than the last. My stomach was contorting in ways I didn’t know was possible. The collar I wore seemed a little tighter than expected as it pressed against my throat. I tugged at it a bit, making my way to His front door, being careful not to twist an ankle due to my black heels.

I almost didn’t do it. I very nearly couldn’t bring myself to knock on the door before me. My heart was in my throat, and my breathing stopped. My knuckles tapped at the steel.

*What if He changed His mind? What if I don’t live up to His expectations? I really should have taken an Ativan before I landed.*

I feared I hadn’t knocked loudly enough due to not being able to hear much passed the heavy pulse pounding inside my ears. I closed my eyes and let out a breath held too long as I brushed my hands down my short, black, lace dress in an attempt to garner some courage to knock again.