My [F] 50 second part of my confession

Part two of my story. Please see my post history for the opening story. I hope you all enjoy it and thank you all so much for the positive comments and messages. Xxx

We discussed it over and over again to be totally sure that what I was going to do wouldn’t have a negative effect on our marriage. Crossed every T and dotted every I, if I said I didn’t have any doubts I’d have been a liar.

I didn’t want to go back to the bar I’d met this guy at, just didn’t feel right if I’m honest and it was also a little too close to home. I couldn’t risk bumping into someone I knew.

Things went quiet for a while, neither of us knew how to escalate things short of visiting a sex club and that was a definite no no. We continued to watch porn together and it usually ended up with clips that involved a girl and two guys. There was just something about the situation the girl was in, maybe a feeling of helplessness and being controlled, or was it having two guys lust after her and being able to control them. I never really found out the honest answer to the question, just that as time went on I was attracted more and more to it.

My [F] 50 first part of my confession

This is my first attempt at writing this story so I hope you all enjoy it.

I’ve been married to the most amazing guy for something pushing 30 years now, he’s given me two wonderful children that have now flown the nest, looked after me in every way and provided everything I could ever wish for. A nice house, a new car every couple of years and holidays all over Europe. Even after all this time I think he’s still the most attractive person in the room.

Our sex life is good, nothing out of the ordinary, but loving and fulfilling. Although after this long a time it takes work to keep it fresh. Occasionally we watch porn together to get us in the mood, nothing too extreme but I can’t say I don’t enjoy watching it together.

After watching something one night that involved a threesome and consuming more than my fair share of white wine my husband asked me if I’d ever thought about having one. Once I’d stopped myself from spitting the wine all over the duvet and stopped laughing I admitted that the thought had crossed my mind, but it was only that…..a thought.