Madison’s fate Chapter 1 [Femdom]

23rd July 20XX

It was unusual for the Weber household to be silent at night. Alexandra and William Weber were known to hold parties and gatherings almost every single night. With its spacious front lawn filled with commissioned sculptures, to a just as wide ballroom equally filled with lavish painting, it was almost expected for the pair to always find reasons to showcase their collections. On any other night, the manor would have laughing colleagues, drinking the finest wines and mingling with the couple. But not on this night. Tonight, the house was quiet.

When you enter the Weber manor, you will first notice a grand, spiraling staircase leading up to the house’s library. What most guests fail to notice, was a door hidden beneath said staircase. The door was plain, unassuming, with a knob designed to blend into the wallpaper. In the room beyond was a staircase leading down, into a basement only those close to the couple know about.

In that basement, arms tied behind his back, sat a young Maxwell Madison. Only 18 years of age, the young boy snuck into the manor hoping to steal a small fortune. He had successfully found easy entrance into the house, the roving guards not once catching sight of him.