[FF] Why women shouldn’t take viagra

When it comes to drugs, I’m quite experienced, though I certainly wouldn’t consider myself a stoner. There are only a few I haven’t tried and never plan to (cocaine, heroin, meth, most opioids). These days I don’t get high more than four or five times a month. I occasionally give people advice on how to trip safely, and which drugs to avoid entirely. Part of that is a very strong recommendation for people to NEVER abuse prescription drugs of any sort, for any reason. Well, here’s a big part of why I do that.

Not many people are aware of this, but Viagra (sildenafil citrate) was first invented to treat high blood pressure and sold under the brand name of Revatio, which it still is today. The men who took it noticed a nifty little side effect, and two years later, Pfizer manufactured a bunch more and sold it under the brand name of Viagra, to treat erectile dysfunction. Chemically, it was no different than Revatio, except the pill was blue instead of orange.

[MMF] That time a gay couple shared me

Since people here seem to enjoy “first time” stories, I was scratching my head as to what to post here. I couldn’t write about my first time with a woman since I was under 18 when it happened (no, I’m not gonna tell you how old, don’t bother asking), and my first time with a man, though I was 18, wasn’t particularly wild. So, I thought I’d share a story from when I was in college and had an amazing number of firsts in one night.

I met these guys (let’s call them Ron and Jeremy–obviously not their real names) at one of the semi-underground LGBT support clubs at my university. I’d known I was bisexual since I was four, and had been eager to meet girls I could be myself (read: hook up) with now that my overbearing, intrusive parents were nowhere to be seen. I was 20 that year, and playing it as cool as I could without alerting everyone to what a pervert I was. Sadly, at one night’s meeting, I was the only woman who showed up. You can imagine my disappointment level, hoping to meet a gorgeous girl, only to end surrounded by hot men with no interest in me. Or so I thought.