The ti[m] I lost my virginity to my friends G[F] pt 2

See my profile for part one, writing on mobile so it’s hard to link.

So after the disappointment that was my first go, Lisa and I were both still drunk, and at this point tired so we decided it was time for bed and since her roommate, and her boyfriend were out of town we decided to stay naked and just sleep next to each other.

I don’t know how long we were asleep, but the feeling of her bare skin pressed against mine must have triggered something because I was having some great sex dreams. It was around that time that I started to wake up. The room was still dark, and I was still half asleep, all I knew is that I felt like I was going to cum again.

That’s when I realized that Lisa had her hand around my cock and was jerking me off. I woke up pretty quickly at this point, and told her that I was close to cumming. She said that she didn’t want that yet, and asked if I wanted round 2. Never one to complain I said hell yeah, and she hopped off the bed to grab another condom.

The ti[m]e I lost my virginity to my friends G[F]

This post may be a little long, I have to post some back story for this and all of my following stories to make sense. Skip to the **** if you just want the dirty details.

About me: I’m 6′ 2″, buzzed brown hair, with an average body. I’ve never been muscular, but I’m also not fat, just the average kind of guy. The same thing can be said about my cock, about average. 6.5 inches when hard, I use to shave, but not anymore now that I’m married.

Backstory: Before I went to college, I was completely straight laced. Through high school I never drank, partied, or had sex. I had opportunities to do all of the above but due to some family stuff I had vowed to myself that I would be better than my upbringing. I had girlfriends through highschool that I messed around with, but we never actually had sex. Well, that all changed when I went to college. I decided not to let my family hold me back, and started drinking, partying and messing around more and more.