Relatively new gf wanted to hook up with her ex who was in town for the week. [MFM]

This is a follow up to [this series of posts](

So while I was at work on Thursday my gf had her ex stop by her house. She called me right before he was about to be there to let me know that she loved me and was super excited. She said she would let me know how it went after and that I was the best boyfriend ever.

After about an hour and a half she texts me to let me know that I am an angel and she loved me very much. I didn’t ask for many details but I could tell she wanted to tell me more in person so I waited until I got off to ask more. When I got off of work she had me come over to her house and as soon as I got there she had me sit on the floor of her bedroom while she sat on the bed.

I sat down like a good boy and gave her all my attention. She decides that I was going to lick her feet while she told me how her day was.