I just want to be a slutty housewife and not tease my mom’s bf (PART 4, FINAL) [MF]

Click my post history for previous stories and pictures.


Perfect slutty Sunday with Keith. We got to have fun all day behind my mom’s back. I don’t know how we didn’t get caught. We both decided that we should stop fucking around after this, but it was so hot.


My mom woke me up and told me to come eat breakfast with her and Keith. It was freezing cold in the house, so I said no because I was in a blanket cocoon. She told me she made french toast, eggs and bacon, and my favorite cinnamon rolls. I agreed just because I thought of teasing Keith. She told me it’s warmer in the kitchen but bring my blanket. I hadn’t had a chance to tease him or try things with my mom still in the house.


I just want to be a slutty housewife and not tease my mom’s bf (part 3) [MF]

Tuesday night, I got home late from drinking and smoking pot with my friend Tom. I went to my room and heard that my mom had her door closed and TV on so I figured Keith was with her and they were watching election results. I loudly said “Goodnight mom! Who is winning?”

“They don’t know yet”, she said. “Goodnight.”

She sounded annoyed that I was talking to her while she had Keith in there with her. But how do I know he’s even in there? I thought about barging in, wearing only a little shirt and panties, but she would call me out for not knocking and she might even have the door locked.


I planned on fucking Keith in the morning but didn’t feel like setting an alarm. I was hoping he’d wake me up after my mom left early in the morning. I put on sexy, hot pink panties and a tight little black shirt that I sometimes sleep in because it’s so small and tight.

A few minutes later, I was being really high and just looking at myself in the mirror, when I got a text from an unknown number: “This is Keith. Meet me in the kitchen in 2 mins. Quietly.”

I just want to be a slutty housewife and not tease my mom’s new bf (PART 2) [MF]

Part 1:

I just want to be a slutty housewife and not tease my mom’s new bf (part 1) [MF] from gonewildstories

A few pics of me http://imgur.com/a/8AEk4


“You don’t have to leave…” I said to Keith.

“I think I should” Keith said moving past me.

I was in my lacy black bra and panties, kinda blocking the path to the hallway. Keith touched my shoulder and his hip grazed my big ass as he walked by.

“Since you are here, can you at least fix the water in the shower. It’s too cold…”

“Maybe another time…you are half naked” Keith said.

“I’ll put on a robe. My mom said it’s easy to fix but she won’t do it.”

“I’ll look at it tonight when your mom comes home…”

“But I want to take a shower now…I’ll go put on a robe Keith. Or just tell me how to do it…”

“Ok, I’ll do it. Where’s the water heater?”

“I don’t know…” I said.

“Well it’s either in the basement or utility closet” Keith said.

I just want to be a slutty housewife and not tease my mom’s new bf (part 1) [MF]

I was slutty in HS (see previous story https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/58itbm/submissive_slut_part_1_fmm/ and didn’t go to college. I am busty with a big curvy ass http://imgur.com/a/8AEk4 so I have always received and craved attention from men. I still live with my mom and I don’t work much. I went through 4 of 9 male co-workers at my last job before I quit, and hooked up with quite a few customers. One of those guys was married and one had a girlfriend. I don’t like to work but I like getting fucked. The one thing I do feel bad about is the following story:


My mom started dating a guy that went to her church. I don’t go and hate that my mom is born-again. My mom had been going to his place so my younger brother and I finally got to meet him when she invited him for dinner.

I was already thinking about teasing him when my mom said he was coming over but I didn’t think I would go through with it. That was until I met him. He’s basically what I want in a man…tall, strong, successful, and good looking. He’s in his 40s but still hot. He had a squarish jaw, nice chest and dark brown hair. And he looked at my tits.

Submissive slut (part 1) [FMM]

This election cycle has made me realize how anti-feminist, submissive, and old fashioned I am. I understand and can relate to some parts of this current re-launching of feminism, but I feel like I’m not on the same wavelength as most women.

I have been called “weak” and “not an ally to women” on facebook. One bitch said “you don’t really care, because you would rather have a guy mansplain it to you so you don’t have to think about it.” Wow.


I didn’t realize having political opinions or not caring about things guys say made me HATE ALL WOMEN. Anyway…

I was just struck by how different I am…maybe I should have been born in the 30s. So I have always been submissive and I love being dominated in bed. I like aggressive attention and don’t mind most sexual comments. I also love really strong guys that are assertive and tell me what they want. My dream since maybe I was a teenager has always been to marry a successful man and I’m a housewife. I don’t want to work except cooking and cleaning.